Old tier LFRs should reward appropriate rewards (+5 lvls from HC dungeons)
Nobody queues for them, it takes ages to do, esp in fights like ghuun and azshara, and the rewards are BAD.
Current tier LFRs should reward +5 rewards from mythic dungeons.
It’s much harder to do and takes 1hour on average. A mythic dungeon takes 15-20 mins.
This will help new players, casual players and elitists farming LFR transmog sets, everyone happy, make it happen.
EG. LFR Uldir gives 340 gear with chance to warforge to 345. Random NORMAL DUNGEON takes 20 mins max, and gives 400 gear.
LFR azshara gives 400 gear. usually 2-3 wipes. 1 hour at least. Random HC dungeon takes 25 mins, gives 415 gear.
EDIT 1 added more details
Why not wait for the next expansion, so you can solo them?
next 2 expansions u mean? because legion farmers still get 1 piece of loot per boss (chance) so on average 1 loot piece per lfr instance
Which is fine no? I expect to have to put some time into something if I do that. I still need the Antorus LfR waist, hasn’t dropped yet, but it’s like 5 minutes per week.
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Blizzard don’t open up loot tables until it’s 2 expacs behind yes.
Also as someone who is farming the mythic sets cause I missed out on those in Legion, I wouldn’t wait an entire expansion on it.
For the rest, that 5 ilvls isn’t going to make a difference, emmisary still gives higher ilvl so people still wouldn’t join, you can get to 445+ (normal ilvl) really effortlessly after playing this patch for a week or maybe two
And maybe LFR just isn’t that popular anymore
?? why are you derailing the thread on legion transmog farming. The issue-post is about current expansion LFR. It’s ‘‘current’’ content yet inactive and unplayable.
I do understand, but hence I said, just wait for the next expansion. That’s what I did with Legion LfR sets, I solo them now on characters I want those sets for.
LFR is not much harder then a mythic dungeon. How are people struggling to do LFR within 20mins? if you want the Tmog from older raids, just join a Group, the older content is outgeared enough it should be easy for a small group.
The transmog is not an issue, somehow i managed to get the achievement for getting the LFR set and i haven’t set foot on the new LFR at all.
I agree that LFR right now is overtuned for the rewards it offers but I don’t think they will fix anything, like with other queuable content they found the way to keep them in game but removed the need to do them. You can add this to the long list of design failures of this expansion.
LFR is probably the least effective gearing strategy right now, even worse than PVP. I have the feeling, that not many people do LFR anymore compared to the early days of LFR. Reason might be the release of flex mode that was then renamed to normal mode later. Since normal mode is tuned like that, there’s no reason to do LFR besides mog.
But in this patch, the LFR mogs drop randomly from other content.
If you want to “raid easy” - you might want to get into normal mode maybe. I don’t think the time investment and requirements are higher than doing LFR
sorry what? lfr difficult?
nothing happens and generally half of the players are afk and still boss go down. how can you call this difficult?
Judging by his posts on the forums, I’m guessing it’s difficult for anyone grouped up with him.
I have never been in an LFR where multiple players afk’ed. This is just a ‘cool’ thing to do by youtubers and streamers to call out LFR.
I did more than once. As soon people realize that in the group there are people way overgeared and there only for transmog, the slacking and the afk starts, and by being a tank, i get easily identified. Everyone checks the tanks, but very few inspect all dps.
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Lfr is only hard if one presents.
Half raid afk and autoattack
Boss needs brain to handle it (hello there prophet!).
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Because you can’t do them in 20 minutes when the queues are already over an hour. I wanted to do the quest where I have to impale G’huun with Vol’jins blade on my mage. I gave up after 1 hour and 40 minutes in the queue on a Saturday evening. It are quests of the current expansion. There are no groups for any difficulty of this raid in BFA. Making your own group doesn’t work either since you can’t create a full group in a reasonable amount of time.
In Legion you could do any difficulty any day of the week. No matter what day, you could open up the LFG tab and apply to a few groups for any raid of Legion. On Saturday evening I usually joined a group that did all the raids on normal and heroic difficulty for EN, ToV and Nighthold. It took less time to apply to and run those 6 raids (2 difficulties) in Legion then it takes to wait for one particular LFR wing in BFA…
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Which is often reproduced here by the sheep that blindly follows them.
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Rubbish. Sick of people spewing that mental vomit.
I mean, they might not actually be AFK, but they just as well could be. As long as the better half of the group is doing something bosses usually go down. Sometimes you might only need 2-3 players in a LFR group to make it happen, while the rest could be auto-attacking.
LFR is tuned to be extremely easy, and thus gives the lowest rewards as well. And this is for OP: while I like the idea of old raid tiers being relevant for gearing in that expansion, unfortunately LFR is one of the reasons it’s probably never going to happen. Each tier there is way too big of a jump in power, meaning that the previous tiers are rendered absolutely obsolete. This is the side-effect of having 4 raid difficulties.
Unfortunately it’s not mental vomit.
LFR is tuned so low that a properly geared dps can do the job of 3 to 4 other players in terms of number and the amount of deaths in the average lfr group says a lot about people “not being afk”