Make Metamorphosis an actual Cooldown

Do what you need for palas where you can have different variations of avenger’s Crusade but for Metamorphosis too. Where it can be a choice node talent, of which one could be Metamorphosis: Chaotics Blades, where something like your weapons are coated in fel magic, causing your single target hits to deal full chaos damage and increasing their damage by x% of your mastery, or Metamorphosis: Awaken the Demon, where its all about the AoE damage, something like forgo your warglaives and coat your claws in fel magic, transforming chaos strike and blade dance into chaos swipe (same damage as chaos strike rather than annhilation but full aoe) and wild dance where the entire blade dance does chaos damage instead of physical, and its all about the activation of meta so demonic isn’t as impactful and it can raise the playability of Demonic origins. Just something to make Meta feel good to press.


+1 Kudos for it being interesting. A paragraph spacing would be nice however , no offence

I was starting to feel like Demonic should be baseline with some small readjustments. It is a weird node to be honest where the overwhelming majority pick demonic, particularly when paired with shattered destiny. You get a lot of uptime with Demonic - Meta - Demonic that it almost nullifies the 1min CD difference

There is a lot that they can do with the spec

Personally i really like both demonic and the high meta uptime.

I just don’t wanna see demonic being removed for the sake of “making meta better” i honestly don’t have a lot of suggestions for havoc because i don’t think it’s a bad spec, maybe add glaive tempest to essence break.

And fix isolated prey, since it doesn’t feel great.

which is part of the problem lol
There isn’t much reason to take Demonic origins 2min Meta due to that synergy

Glaive tempest could become baseline

I like essence break but feel the duration is quite short

The spec is fine damage wise, but there can still be loads of improvements

I don’t think high cd uptime is a problem.

The “problem” is that demonic is immensely more powerful than origins, they need to make baseline one or the other.

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Having a node where 1 gets massively picked over the other is a game design issue

which has been said but it seemed like you disagreed

maybe i read your post a bit wrong at the start I’m not sure. Did you edit it ?

I think Demonic becoming baseline might slingshot us into OP but realistically… it would make sense from a logical standpoint to have Demonic before Shattered Destiny right

I’d argue just move Demonic and Origins around , or make 1 of them baseline and number crunch accordingly

No, i just wanted to point out that i don’t dislike high cd uptime, in fact i like it quite a lot, on basically any spec.

Some people want their cds to “feel” more powerful, which will mean that they are shorter in duration most of the time, and then you have demo damage profile.

I like having mostly consistent damage with some short high bursts of damage.

And honestly, having meta up this much is just plain cool, more haste, more damage more everything.

I’m a bit friend this evening. can you explain what you mean by this?

Do you mean this? Doesn’t hit like truck but higher uptime?
This is why you like demonic?

The issue is more felt in PvP imo. I want an option where Meta feels scary , and currently that isn’t the case. You also lose out on 10% vers if you take demonic which sucks as it takes away a slight defensive aspect to the talent choice node

I just want more choice rather than an illusion of choice

What i meant is that i enjoy the high uptime on cds in terms of gameplay.

And that the type of damage i personally prefer is usually that which is mostly sustained, but you do have moments where you can dish out high bursts.

Think like well, most specs at this point… Destro lock, sub rogue, havoc, enhance, pretty much anything really.

Most specs do this type of consistent damage with high intermittent bursts, only a few are out of line.

Although, the issue i have with immense burst has mostly to do with aoe, what i really do not like is if all of your damage is in a cd, that lasts like 15/20 seconds on a 2/3 min cd for both aoe and st. Think like old fire mage combustion, now it’s better because you have combust up way more.

Sure the cd feels “impactful” But is it worth it? In my opinion no, also because from a gameplay prospective it’s just not very nice.

But i also do not like if all damage is completely sustained and there is no burst opportunity at all, i do prefer sustain, but i also like having opportunity for bursts of damage.

One example of this would be outlaw rogue, awesome in terms of gameplay, but the damage is basically 100% sustain, and the aoe is hard capped, which means that sub is basically better in all situations, because it has the sustain, but also short intermittent bursts of damage with secret technique.

I think choice should be respected where both options are viable

I said somewhere on these plagued forums that I’d love to see two thematic build options made viable

The Hunt - assassin style of play with momentum , high risk high reward
Demon Meta - Chunky consistent damage that doesn’t flop like a wet leaf

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