Make night elves Horde

I’d trade them for Blood Elves, make things as they should’ve been since the beginning. Good deal :handshake:

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We make great Kitties you know? :cat:

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I believe those are called Nightborne


The sympathy mood swings of Erevien Pt. 3456211…

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We already have enough monster races, we don’t need night elves too.

Reported for threat against ducks.


How many Stockholm Syndrome races can the Horde have? Let’s find out!

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You mean when the Horde invaded the lands of the Night Elves and the Horde burned Teldrassil? And from that experience the Night Elves would logically abandon the Alliance and join the very faction that genocided them?

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The horde didn’t burn Teldrassil. That’s just a lie. A fire druid falling asleep and the complete lack of firefighters caused the fire. You know how deep druids sleep.


I love night elves and while we don’t have many bonds apart from working together in Goldshire from time to time, we have ours in Nightbornes already. They might be former mana addicts with a bad case of relationship with the Legion, but I’m happy they are on our side. :purple_heart:

Ignore the fact our Ranger General ordered the night elves’ home to be burnt - but she’s been our outcast for a long time. Sylvanas doesn’t belong to us anymore, whether she did it under a charm spell or by her own will.

Please don’t embarrass yourself!
The Horde already have the crème de la crème of the Kaldorei, the Nightborne
Why would anyone want the rest?
The Worgen, sure? The Dwarves with the might of Ironforge? Totally! Fel, even the Gnomes/Mechaagnomes would be usefull with the different kind of tehcnology they have than the Goblins, and its totally time to heal the relationship between the Exiled Eredar and the Orcs…
Even the Humans would be a nice addition, they are versatile, arrogant, monstrous
Heck, maybe we could find a place for even the insane ticking timebombs, the Void Elves (really, just keep them away from the Sunwell, they are not worse than lets say, the Forsaken? At least they are just insane, but not want to exterminate the living, just because its friday…)
But the “bottom of the barrel” Kaldorei?
Really Erevien? Really?
I think its time for you to take your medicine

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Hey Erevien, keep going!

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Duck mount confirmed!


(You know this will come eventually)

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Sylvanas burned the tree and we all know why

dont forget in Warcraft 3. Tyrande helped Kael’thas and his Blood elf suvivors escape the scourge, almost lost her life in the process.

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There’s not even any evidence we were ever there!

This is all just a political defamation campaign.

Night elves should be 3rd faction.

the Night Elves would logically abandon the Alliance and join the very faction that genocided them?

Why not? I mean BE did the same. Horde genocided them in second war and they joined them afterall.

so make blood elves alliance !
and the forsaken.

i think its a fair trade.

Why wouldn’t they want to join the “people” who literally burnt their home and families alive.

Blood elves joining the alliance on the other hand would make sense(and they already showed interest in that before). And since silvanas is no longer there to comit genocide some forsaken might actually wanna rejoin their families.

Why would anyone want to join the interior faction anyway? Alliance has space(Draenai) and dimensional(void elves) travel as well as AI that far surpasses the ones in real world along with other gnomish tech.

What do horde have? Green boi’s living in mud huts, gnome wannabe’s and a bunch of mana addicts.