Make npc's one shot pvp players in RP-ONLY Servers

I’m kinda tired of being in the middle of a rp session with my friends or just chilling or whatever in Orgrimmar and seeing the npc’s killed off by these annoying alliance players, if you want to engage in pvp that’s nice but this is a rp server and the main cities are major encounter places where you can engage and do rp, i don’t think the main city npc’s should be killable and messed around with

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Nah, just, make guards a larger danger once more. The Com Stomp NPCs have better gearing than the guards in the open world. It ain’t much, but at least supply them with the right gear to find off intruders easier.

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Sadly, it’s long entrenched policy that if you’re pvp tagged for any reason, people get to crash your RP with ganks without counting as being disruptive since you technically consented to pvp by making yourself a target.

If you’re marked for PvP in Orgrimmar and get PvP’d that’s on you. Especially because it’s so incredibly easy to turn off.

This isn´t even about that but rather about players killing NPCs in Orgrimmar.
Which to me feels like a massive non-issue.

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You can be marked for PVP by accident. Take a wrong turn here, be scatter-brained and run in the wrong place, be Horde on an Alliance character and by force of habit run into a Horde place, etc. Someone can say that’s rare, I know, but it still happens and having PVP on doesn’t always mean you turn it on yourself so to deserve the penalty of getting attacked randomly.

Yea, but Blizzard also shouldn’t sanction other players for killing you because you got yourself marked for PvP by not being the sharpest tool in the shed. Involuntary PvP flagging wears off after a 5-minute timer anyway.

Thought that the topic was about people swooping in and killing NPCs and such…

Might be confused.

Last time someone tried to kill me for being PvP flagged during RP, they failed, then proceeded to whisper me , accusing me of being bad at PvP because I was “hiding” in a city.

I never said that, I simply pointed out that you can get the PVP tag on by accident.

I don’t have strong feelings on the matter of the original thread, though I sympathise with the OP in the sense that, since we have Warmode, maybe PVP would be best restricted there.

The OP is talking about NPCs and guards getting killed, not players being marked for pvp

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I am aware, I was attempting to return to the original point. Apologies if I didn’t make that clear.

Tbf Ogrimmar needs a good purge every now and then.

Keep the NPCs in line before they get ideas.

I am not sure while this topic is being done here on the AD forums where nobody watches, but I believe people will exploit the change regardless.

Keep NPCs weak and easily one-shottable, I say. At this stage, guards are basically a non-nuisance to tanks, and there is nothing more annoying than having to bring your tank because your cloth warlock/mage gets nuked in a matter of seconds.

If everyone gets to kill guard NPCs easily, then everyone wins