Make runes fade away on unequipped gear

Runes shouldn’t persist on gear that is not equipped. Right now this might seem like a harmless non-issue but this will for sure degenerate quickly in the future. Players of this game have proven time and again that they will min max fun out of the game.
People will start carrying entire sets of gear to which they will swap in pvp from one fight to another(specially runes that grant cooldowns).
There is already a shadowstrike macro for rogues that allows them to use shadowstrike and replace the item with the rune because the hit is delayed and they can do that.
Replacing runes should have the minimum inconvenience that is right now a short-medium cast time.
Addons that swap gear sets or macros will turn this to be quite toxic with time and more runes, all of a sudden to play optimally you will have to lug with you even more gear sets than you normally have to carry in your bags.


Probably better in this case just make a 1minute cooldown for launch the rune, like it is now for trinkets.


i do half-agree, you can’t change gears while in combat, except weapons (swap weapons always existed, #rogues, #warriors)

SoD’s runes make a sub-dualspec

maybe make a ~1min+ CD is your answer

And the game maybe need the gear’s tool we have in WOTLK classic, and 1-2 more action bars (i don’t use add-ons, for those who don’t use add-ons)

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There are some rune abilities that have a delay on use long enough that allows you to use them and then swap gear to a different rune thus getting the benefit of two runes on one item slot. The already well known example is shadowstrike for rogues, a video that illustrates this well is: rune swapping

And there are some more runes that literally break the rule of combat not allowing you to swap gear and getting the benefit of multiple runes from the same item slot. It is stupid and it has a simple solution, remove runes on unequipped items, don’t let this degeneracy spread.

Yeah for sure
Blizz have to work on this

Don’t do it if you don’t like it, simple as.

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Not simple at all, the system is busted, it won’t be fun playing against people in pve or pvp with three runes vs five or six. Your snark just shows you are ignorant.
The devs have to fix this asap, the shadowstrike example is childlike and everyone can do it but there are far worse.

Runes dont work on unequipped items therefore your solution wont work.
Anyway imagine swapping gear playstyle is fun to play. Because its not. Who even cares then

Sure it can be fun, or too broken
And there are already more than enough things to press on the keyboard in this game

it can be the end of casual players (who are the bigger part in this game)

Being able to swap items with different runes has improved my experience so far, both in PVE and PVP. Furthermore this really isn’t anything new, people have been swapping items with different qualities since forever.

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More than enough?

Bro. Most classes have 3 buttons they actively use.

Yea i was fearing this since they announced runes. Especially rogues and hunters with vanish runeswap or feign death runeswap. Its way to annoying to Play, i ready thought about rerolling. And the loot greed will be insane