Make Shaman mana matter

As a paladin I had a fight with an elemental shaman, the entire fight was like this:
cast seal …dispel
cast exorcism … heal through
cast seal … dispel
cast cs/ds … heal (no damage without seals)
cast seal …dispel
…and so on and so forth until i was out of mana and then I died

Things to point out:

  • I could not seal twist or deal any meaningful damage because my seals were constantly dispelled
  • I had to use cleanse a lot to dispel burn/slow/root and re-seal so I was out of mana fast
  • at the end of the fight the shaman’s mana was around 95%
  • during bubble I took about 50% of his health pool but then he basically just got it to 100% immediately (still not oom)
  • I used lay on hands … nothing, without mana I’m basically dealing only weapon damage
  • I had 870gs MC almost bis (except hammer) gear with 274 fire resistance gear
  • the guy used almost exclusively instant spells (shock, totem, dispel, etc) I had nothing to interupt

My only conclusion is that without being lucky I had no real chance against that player since shamans have infinite mana (or cheap spells, dunno) and too much instant heals.

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TLDR: Paladin player discovers the only class he cant beat.

Shamans probably need a PvP nerf, but my lord your Class is basically unbeatable by everyone else.

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First of all I doubt that only paladins struggle with shamans or that shamans are the only class that paladins can’t kill or are hard to beat.

Second, I understand if a fight is hard, even unbeatable, if you loose by a thread. However, when the other guy (sry, might have been a lady) leaves unscathed then the imbalance is really really big.

All I’m saying is that it is not normal to have infinite mana and heal on top of big burst damage (which MANY classes have).

Also, please don’t bring back arguments like:
Did you have all the consumes in the world?
What about bubble ?

Shamans need a big BUFF!

Look at the PvE DPS meters.
Nerf Paladins

What have you done, you fools! I can already hear the ominous clatter of Wave’s keyboard in the distance.

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it’s the same in classic Era, a paladin got to be full BiS Naxx to eventually kill a shaman. While shamans massacre paladins during all leveling


Classic Era PvP servers (before TBC Classic) became mono-faction or deserted mostly because of this

Blizzard created a whole new NPC that never existed in WoW Classic: stupid incubus.

but they don’t allow a dwarf to be shaman…

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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shaman runs out of mana faster than the paladin if he spams purge.
that spell is a black hole when it comes to mana.

ok so listen right; dedicate 1 action slot (anywhere in the 4-5 you have baseline without addons) and put a rank 1 seal there.

shaman can’t see what rank your seal is.
bait him to purge the rank 1 seal repeatedly.
win the mana fight.