MAKE THE DISC PRIEST GREAT AGAIN (Rapture problem in PVP 11.1 patch)

Hello Everyone!

As a returning player, I’ve missed quite a few expansions over the years. I mainly played casual PvP, I enjoyed the battlegrounds, and upon my return, I decided to give Solo Shuffle a try. I used to only play melee DPS classes, but due to the long queue times, I thought I’d try healing instead.

I must admit, my initial experience was pretty rough(horrible). The pace of the game is incredibly fast, and matches often come down to millisecond decisions. I tried several healers, but unfortunately, resto druid didn’t give me much success. I’m sure some people enjoy the HoT-based playstyle, but with the current meta’s insane damage, it just didn’t work for me.

That’s when I went back to my first-ever WoW character, the priest, and started playing as Disc. I had a blast! After just a few matches, I reached 1850 rating, and the class felt incredibly intuitive and enjoyable to play. In the next patch, I’d like to push for a higher rating and take this spec more seriously.

However, here comes the problem: in the next patch, the priest is getting a rework, and they’re removing Rapture. This is a massive blow for me. It’s one of the most enjoyable aspects of healing, as it helps mitigate the very problems that would otherwise keep me from wanting to heal at all.

Nobody asked for a Disc talent tree rework. This is the only healer spec I genuinely enjoy playing. If they take this away too, I’ll be forced to stop healing and go back to playing DPS, enduring 15-60 minute queue times for a single match — which is a really discouraging prospect.

I know WoW PvP has been struggling with numerous issues for a long time, whether it’s AoE damage, CC mechanics, or the endless passive abilities that need to be tracked. These problems would warrant their own separate discussion, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today.

Please, bring back Rapture for Disc priests, even if it’s only as a PvP talent!


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disc priest is the best at pvp and m+ right now

I miss my bubble spammer

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