Title say it all, it takes 30 days to push the molten front dailies to the end. Set aside collection items such as mount, pets, toys, title, achievement, all the 365 gear is just catch up gear for alts. And it will be even worse once fireland will open.
As you said you want to rush Cataclysm pretty fast so please consider making this progression account wide so we don’t have to do this 30 days push more than once. Collection items are already account wide, it just block the access to 365 gear for alt at the moment. No point in time gating Cataclysm and i don’t think that’s what you’re aiming for.
After doing Molten Front in its entirety on 3 characters, yeah I believe this would be a sensible change. I have more alts and I probably cba doing it even a 4th time.