Make warbands character select screen 5 of your characters

Then you could have your main in the middle. I think it would look better. Or add so you dont have a limit to how many characters you want.


I think they will make changes for sure in the future. I like your advice. Would be better for sure. Depends on what they want to do with warbands also .

Personally I think warbands would be allot better as a 5 instead of 4 as you could easily have a full dungeon party comp round the fire and that would be amazing.
Just think about it having a tank, healer, and then 3 DPS maybe a Mage hunter and a rouge, All in sick transmog having a full party would be awesome. Right now it feels alittle left out that 1 of the 5 you would normally have in a party is missing.

Yup, would make more sense to have 5 since it’s the dungeon size.

Also make it so you can run dungeons “solo” with your warband, AI controls the rest of your characters, and if possible you can hop between them at will.

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