Make WoTLK alpha, beta and gamma dungeons activatable solo

In the name of transmog farming, one should be able to activate alpha, beta and gamma dungeons by oneself.
Since some 10man raid loot has been relocated to dungeons in Wrath and is only obtainable there, we should have the opportunity to farm it.


Yes please !

No reason at all not to have this, why even keep gamma/beta/alpha in wotlk otherwise.

Would love to see this.

Or they could just revert the loot change and make 10 man wtlk raids dropping the 10 man loot again.

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yes, make that device require only one person to click, atm basically dependant on either guildies being nice enough to come to the dungeons to either run it with me or atleast activate, or paying strangers from world chat to do it…

I don’t think that would change much since afaik you still can’t really get in raids solo even if you could survive the mechanics. Or was it different for Wrath Raids?

Not unless you are geared Blood DK. They were always first to solo old raids followed by Guardian druids.

What I meant is that you still need to work around being in a raid group requirement to even enter raid instances. I know it’s possible but not exactly intended.

Create lfg group, rightclick yourself → Convert to raid. Profit.

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Did you even read the post one second.

This 100% i agree


i believe they already did last week

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