Make wow alt friendly again

That content is not meant to be for alt character. Thats not you wanting alt thats you wanting another main.

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no its alt, i just wanna be able to play a geared char thats current meta meta, why punish ppl who picked wrong, why punich ppl because we lack foresight for whats gonna be good or bad, why punish my /played and effort?.. for me this is a matter about respect for my time investment. clearly blizzard do not care, but they should.

btw, does a alt have to be a freshly dinged undergeared poop?. its like why not have good alts on pair with mains?.. what is the issue, is it a law that a alt should stink?

Becouse this is not moba. You are not supostu change your chars with click of button just becouse you feel like playing somrthing els.

would be awesome asf, doing only gucci content on several toons. sure i can do the ‘‘lame stuff’’ once, but let me be free after. ppl would play more if reroll/alting was more friendly. they lvl and gear up and farm crap because they want to do high end, but risk burn them self out before they reach it. giving is fun would only be fun, less burnout and more awesome.

Becouse it invalidates my effort on my main. I dont want to be my main jsut some char what unlocks stuff while all other chars what are called alts gets everything i worked on my main 100% faster just becouse some artificial system. Alts were always just char you play to level up farm some herbs, do some normal/heroic dungeons or for crafting. This nonsense that alts should somehow have way to fast catch up to our mains so people can have 20+ main chars and swap around them like swaping heroies in League of Legends do not belongs into proper mmorpg game.

dont forget that you can still do normal and hc dungeons and farming herbes, but why do u need to feel the need to decide what i desire?. i mean u can do what ever u want with ur geared alt. its not like its forbidden to pick a herb even if ur geared. i simpley dont understand

have you tried +10 lately ? because i did - and people in there have absolutely 0 clue neither about dungeons , nor dungeon mechanics , nor how to play their class

you dont want those people in +15 just because their main got carried to 2k score.

most of them plays absolutely awefull

(this inluced me on my mage - im absolutely horrible and even then i push +13 on char that was 225 :slight_smile: - but i feel so sorry about people who take me to their gorups just because "lol mage so meta so op " :slight_smile: )

but you dont want to “reroll alt”

you want wow to be clone of league of legends .

thats what you want.

try +10 with people who are liek 600-1000 score

i guarantee it will be harder run then your +20s :slight_smile:

i bet you dont realise 99 % of people dont care about conduits and sockets:)

if you went out of your bubble you would realise that and how pointless it is :slight_smile:

i mean lets take sockets - that 6x16 stat = 96 - you overall secondaies are likely above 2k

so you get maybe 5% more dps.

such game changer.

Becouse your physolophie on game desing goes againts very core aspects of mmorpg genre. Swaping chars on daily basis is something what do not belongs into mmorpg game.

it could be a option atleast. if u pref to be stuck in easy boring content sure do that, but a option to jump right into abit more hardcore stuff should be there!.

i mean you dont have to push even if ur geared abit better depending on ur main, but u can farm transmogs still, farm herbs or mine or what ever u do today, and if it was a option, and the only way u feel u progress and are capable to do is normal/heroic dungeon then do so!. but for some ppl who want abit more action, wow should offer that.

but you have that option

its called ptr

find likeminded buddies and play there where you can pick up any gear you want and go into any instance you want :slight_smile:

after all you care only about chalenge ye ? :slight_smile:

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How many times we are supostu tell you that desing this would invalidate players effort? People are alredy quiting becouse how patches invalidets their gearing effort and now you want invalite even rest of players work by activating artificial catch up systems.

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hey listen, u still need to do the work once. and if it was a option, then use the more hardcore jump into content that kills u if no one kicks etc. stay in heroic dungeons where you got 10 minutes before you need to actually cast a single heal. if ur healer. man i lvled up my priest even just using a renew was overheal forcing ppl into such stupid content is a insult towards what humans are capeable to do.

No. thats not enough. If i put 1000 hours into my main and you 4x200 hours into your 4 chars my main deserver to be 800 hours better progression period. And no invalidating my 800 hours becouse you got activated some artificial system just becouse.

Not even commenting how players sitting on army of alts alredy completly ruined player indenity. Which is another important aspet for mmorpg games.

i think if u want that u go play on a RP server.

rest of us consider Role play a a dps role,tank role healer role etc, and if we look at it that way i do way more role play than you.

And i think you want to play competly different game. Becouse your desing physolophie isnt suited for mmo games.

yup, this is very much not what WoW is about!
The problem is that Blizzard made it very easy and enjoyable to have lots of alts but then didnt follow through by making the leveling experience equally enjoyable for them. They do try and ‘fix’ this by making things slightly easier but it really isnt enough to make alts playable.

It would be so much better it you played the full storyline and did all your grinding on 1 character and then your alts could start with the same baseline as your main in terms of progression. Its def that grind to get up to endgame starting level that has put me off my alts this expansion.
But I def dont include gearing in that! IMO gearing and improving whatever system an expansion has should be your endgame content and as such I think an alt should be able to jump right into Korthia and LFR dungeons/raids as soon as they hit 60.

TBH I sometimes think that they should remove the RPG element entirely for those players who just care about PVP/mythic type content and give them the opportunity to create cookie cutter max level characters that they can use exclusively in mage tower/toghast/pvp/mythic + type content.

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This explais sht tons of why you would want to play the game like that.

Even me supporting the #soloqueue move, just becasue I don’t have people to play with, is dust in the wind compared to what you desire.

Level the main and then get everything cloned but different class, so you can play for 2 weeks and then say that this sht 15 yo game has no content, I dunno why old boomers like this.

I think it is a core blizzard strategy to give the impression they “got it” and they are "fixing it now in 9.1.5 or 9.2, just to get a new influx of subs. Pathetic.

100% agree with this ^

Ive been waiting for acc wide pvp achiev progress for years. Would have my 100 wins achievs by now :rofl: