Tbf, it’s the schools systems fault for dumbing down Biology to “basic biology”. Imo they should teach partially advanced biology already at the age of 12-14, especially regarding genders. Because during that time of growing up as a pupil in school, you usually also learn about sexuality.
Personally I would disagree with that. Because by your saying a Trans man is biologically STILL a woman and a Trans women is biologically STILL a man.
As you said, Facts don’t care about your feelings. And to people being irritated by the entire transgender topic, it is also just a fact that they go by the physical gender, not necessarily the one you identify with.
You may ask yourself now why, but the reason is quite simple. The physical gender doesn’t change your entire life usually (unless we would have tools and medicine to rewrite DNA as said before). It’s like with your (family) name, eye color, etc. Those are identity traits that are “fixed” (usually). And trying to “unfix” those identity traits, just irritates, annoys and confuses people.
Imagine your best friend is called Johnny and he comes in one day and says “I’m now Johanna, I demand you call me like that from now on” and every time you don’t your friend gets mad at you for “disrespecting their identity”.
Like, my mother had for a really long time issues calling my brother (formerly sister) not by his old name. When he transitioned, he was already around 18 years old. Imagine how my mother felt at that time personally. For me, as the younger brother, it was much easier to handle, because I already gave him a nickname a few names later (he chose “Julian” as his name, so I called him “Jay” for some time, a name he still uses to this day sometimes).
The problem is not necessarily the idea of transgender itself but rather how it goes against believes people have been grown up with, believes they hold dear and don’t want to forsake. And also against memories and things that have been the same for 18 years, like in my mothers case.
We humans are a species that HATE change. We prefer when things stay the same.
Hence Social Issues take so long to solve. Hence Climate Change was ignored so long. Hence Governments ignore social issues like high rent prices, inflation, etc. so long. Those are all issues that play out over a very long period of time and ultimately enslave us temporarily as a race.