Make WoW Metal again

Again that word… inclusive, inclusion…

Do you see that removing the Male and Female option and REPLACING it with Body 1 and Body 2
Isn’t inclusive?

Inclusive would be have All FOUR options.
How is that hard to understand?

So if you want to keep using this word start to - Act out - what you’re saying instead of just saying it for the sake of virtue signaling.


Yeah, it’s not like these things have been endorsed by scientists and philosophers for decades now.

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Of course, because there isn’t a single good argument you can make against that.

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No. I’m just tired of explaining this to people over and over and over again.

It does not exclude people. It just changes the words on the character creation.
They still mean the same thing to cis people. But are more inclusive to non cis people.

Seriously, these forums are indistinguishable from Twitter.

How would that exactly work?

You have four options of which two respectively are the same bodytype just with a different name?


A - “Body type 1”
A - “male”
B - “body type 2”
B - “female”

And that would put your mind at ease?

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I do not see male and female as body 1 and body 2.
I see it as male and female.

And so does the vast majority of people.

Explain to me: how excluding options instead of adding options is inclusive?

I am NOT against the body 1 Body 2 option.
You can have that as long as others can still have genders represented as Male and Female.

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If you see it the same as it was before. Then nothing has changed for you.
Problem solved.

It’s such a minor problem that I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an addon to change it back.

If this is all you have to complain about in life, then your life is incredibly easy.
Meanwhile I have to worry about whether or not I’ll have healthcare, within the next month, and every month after that.
But no, you are upsetti spaghetti that they changed it from male and female, to 1 and 2.

Grow up.

Soon as you click “Create character” you should have a prompt:

Binary/ non binary.

If you check binary you have the regular creation, if you check non binary you have whatever your heart desires, body 1 Body 2, Pronouns whatever.

You don’t want to see male and female. Fine.
I don’t want to see your preferences either. So…fine.

1 or 2 is literally a binary.
Non binary would imply a third option. Which yeah, fair, should be a choice. In a perfect world it would be.

But for now, we have body type 1 and body type 2.
Some body type 1 people can be women and some body type 2 people can be men.
It happens.

We’re inches away from me asking you to define a woman.
Explain to me, what is a woman, tell me while not excluding people who are women. But also including all people who are women.
I can do it easy. a woman is someone who identifies as a woman.
Now, gimme your definition.

I’m talking about the ideas I’m seeing floating around where people are already asking for pronouns.
If I’m not mistaken a similar option was even data mined.

As of now it’s binary yes, but we are well ok the way to have that changed as well, so it would be best to have this dialogue before instead of dropping that on - us - rest of the player base again (without giving us a choice)

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Choose 1 or 2, Succubus.
Based on you being Succubus and not Incubus, am I to presume that you choose 2?

I am pro inclusion…that’s what you’re not getting.
I will defend your rights to choose whatever you feel like.

That is…as long as I also have the same choice.
And my choice is not be forced pronouns or gender neutral terms.


Being able to choose pronouns would actually solve your issues if that is indeed it.

You’d pick the stereotypical male looking bodytype, pick male pronouns, voilá, you’re male.

And other people could pick whatever they want as well.

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Except like I keep saying, there’s no change. They changed the word male, to 1. The word female, to 2.
That’s it.

Also you claim to be pro inclusion, but earlier said we go against biology.
Forgive me if I just don’t believe you.

True. People could just choose what suits them best. And like i said before, this would be ideal. Hopefully the case some day.

And let us not forget how you started this entire thread.

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I would not be surprised, the “body 1/2” thing is probably a first step to untie the bodytype from the pronoun, but I reckon it takes a bit of work to implement a choice that affects lots of quest text and such.

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Indeed, a lot of even going into very old quests to fix things.
Though most quests treat the player as non binary already. Referring to them as “They” or “The champion” or whatever.

Wasn’t it the symbols before and not actually the words “male” and “female”?

Tbf, it’s the schools systems fault for dumbing down Biology to “basic biology”. Imo they should teach partially advanced biology already at the age of 12-14, especially regarding genders. Because during that time of growing up as a pupil in school, you usually also learn about sexuality.

Personally I would disagree with that. Because by your saying a Trans man is biologically STILL a woman and a Trans women is biologically STILL a man.

As you said, Facts don’t care about your feelings. And to people being irritated by the entire transgender topic, it is also just a fact that they go by the physical gender, not necessarily the one you identify with.

You may ask yourself now why, but the reason is quite simple. The physical gender doesn’t change your entire life usually (unless we would have tools and medicine to rewrite DNA as said before). It’s like with your (family) name, eye color, etc. Those are identity traits that are “fixed” (usually). And trying to “unfix” those identity traits, just irritates, annoys and confuses people.

Imagine your best friend is called Johnny and he comes in one day and says “I’m now Johanna, I demand you call me like that from now on” and every time you don’t your friend gets mad at you for “disrespecting their identity”.

Like, my mother had for a really long time issues calling my brother (formerly sister) not by his old name. When he transitioned, he was already around 18 years old. Imagine how my mother felt at that time personally. For me, as the younger brother, it was much easier to handle, because I already gave him a nickname a few names later (he chose “Julian” as his name, so I called him “Jay” for some time, a name he still uses to this day sometimes).

The problem is not necessarily the idea of transgender itself but rather how it goes against believes people have been grown up with, believes they hold dear and don’t want to forsake. And also against memories and things that have been the same for 18 years, like in my mothers case.

We humans are a species that HATE change. We prefer when things stay the same.

Hence Social Issues take so long to solve. Hence Climate Change was ignored so long. Hence Governments ignore social issues like high rent prices, inflation, etc. so long. Those are all issues that play out over a very long period of time and ultimately enslave us temporarily as a race.

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Lets make this simpler:

You think I am backwards and that my views are wrong, you also say that my way of thinking shouldn’t be forced on you?

I agree, correct.

I say you’re wrong and backwards, and I don’t want your views and way of thinking forced on me (including while playing a game that we both pay the same price for)

Do I have the same right?
(Binary answer please)

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