Makes me wonder what Vanilla in 2004-2006 was like?

see people wiping on Firemaw in BWL with AQ40/Naxx geared players

Because normal raiders played bfa and shadowlands.raiders in classic - people who played on private servers which had no competition at all.

Mostly friends/guildies helping each other out. People were far less experienced and skilled thus these fancy 500 mob Maraudon runs or whatever they’re doing now weren’t exactly on the menu just yet. Players were generally also more likely to spend their time doing content not relevant to them, because they had never experienced it before, so it was easier to find groups and sometimes high level players in lower level dungeons.

Gold sellers:
Started becoming more popular toward the end of vanilla. A lot of the gold came from account phishing since people were more gullible those days and security was less airtight. Bots weren’t as advanced yet, though they really aren’t that advanced now either, it’s more Blizzard just not giving a damn.

Addons weren’t fleshed out yet, since the game was fresh. Something like Questie wasn’t a thing and threat meters were unreliable at best. Raidframes were meh. Thottbot and Allakhazam were your go-to websites for information and they were full of people arguing that everything was a hunter weapon, and misinformation about drop locations.

People in general just sucked at the game. Combine that with fewer utility addons, less information and unreliable databases, and you can understand why content took so much longer to clear.

Or you could say that people now use all the cruches they can hamster.

Oh I remeber those, but I never knew anybody using them. They did it in Stormwind - I never saw them in IF: Red-clad gnomes (Mages?) as far as I remember.
And the level 60s being looked upon with awe YES! I still have the screenie of the first level 60 I ever saw (in Darnassus).
We all stubmled and found our way through trial and error. It was fun watching other players (and my son) fooling around looking for this small mound of earth in Duskwood after having spent half an hour finding it myself :smiley:
The GMs too were awesome!
The Classic we have now is nerfed in places where it should not be (Bosses, weapons etc.)
And harder where it should no be (Too fast re-spawns etc.)

But you can do a load yourself. Roll a race/class you never played. Disable all addons. Do not go to Wowhead unless you spent half an hour on trying first. Read all quest texts, go places you never went before, in general relax, take your time and enjoy the views.


I never encountered any paid boosting in Vanilla, and I’d never heard of GDKP. However bots and gold sellers were common.

There were no quest addons to begin with, and if you were stuck you had to use websites such as Throttbot for guidance.

The Quest Helper addon appeared some time later, I forget precisely when. I absolutely hated it, and I still do, as it removes all the thinking and problem solving from the experience, and turns it into a mindless ‘follow the arrows’ excercise. I’m in the minority though. Most people seem to love these kinds of addons.


I discovered my hearthstone at level 25+s.
When i saw some paladin disappeared in front of me.

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lol why u think blizzard note that ?. blizzard publish classic wow fixed normal version. but back in the day vanilla was not fixed and not normal :slight_smile:

listen dude. there’s nearly no dps rotation in classic wow and ofc vanilla wow. so dps and healing should be same. because like i said some people back in the day which is i heard from 1st person. they were not noob. they were hardcore. like some guilds. but ofc noob guilds were too much.

they said they had to get fire resist for molten core and they were killing ragnaros with 2 intermission. and they even said we were doing healer rotation and /sit macros for more mana regen.

can you believe that ? that never happend in classic wow today even even even very noobs and casuals kill ragnaros normally. they wipe ofc. but when killing they just kill it in 1 intermission or never.

about resistance bro…forget about molten core. i killed aq 40 huhurian with 0 nature resist in classic wow. half of pug had 0 resist. and it was just some tanks have only " some " resist. back in the day it was impossible.

Ye people were extremely good :smiley:

Watch world first Ragnaros kill by “hardcore” guild. This just shows how “hard” it was back then :slight_smile: Look at that video, that rogue writes in chat clicking 2 spells. And that rogue were missing tons of buffs, how “hardcore” people were back then?

You can´t be serious this is hard from todays point of view … People were insanely bad in comparison to what people are today. I really don´t understand how people struggle to see that :slight_smile:

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hahahaha i pictured that surprised animal meme, where did he go?

On my first toon i accidentally deleted my hearthstone around level 10 and had no idea how to get a new one. I started another toon just for that

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The intermission doesn’t even have a chance to happen in classic, lower health pool and everyone just nuking it down. People say vanilla has no mechanics and it’s sort of true, but the basic fights were tuned in vanilla generally as you describe, you needed mana regen as a higher priority, the nerfed raid bosses, nerfed health pools, nerfed mechanics with frankenstein version of the game adding random estimated stats is what makes the game far easier. it’s complete BS that “we’re all just better now hurr hurr hurr”

I’m a lot better than I was back in 2005/6/7. A lot better.

I started playing in Dec 2005 server Emeriss & Nordrassil. That was patch 1.8/1.9. I was alliance.

Cities like Southshore were camped daily by Horde raiders in T2. I still remember the Horde Guild’s name who were the most usual offenders, NERF US.

Every Alliance settlement above level 40 or so was camped by Horde gankers.

Lakeshire and Redridge Mountains was NOT camped.

Cities like Astranaar were camped by l 60 gankers.

As an ally you were corpserunning 50% of your playtime getting killed by 60’s.

Most ally l 60’s were in Ironforge and never left it. It was very odd to see an Alliance level 60 out in the world.

Very few ppl were at Stormwind at any time.

Levelling above 50’s was almost impossible for allies due to KOS ganking by Horde 60’s, you had to do it through AV and instances.

I don’t remember ever seeing anyone world buffed throughout my playtime in Vanilla in 2 servers, Emeriss and Nordrassil.

Zandalar Buff was completely unheard of.

Raid Guilds were like very close-knit elite social clubs and solo players w/o friends had zero chance of becoming a member.

Very few ppl raided.

A lot of ppl PvP’ed in BG’s.

World was mostly empty of Alliance who lived exclusively in IF as stated.

AH was completely different compared to today, ppl didn’t play the AH then like they do now.

Mages with powerful PC’s would spam Blizzard in IF to try to get you to dc or to get your client to crash. Crashing/dcs were much more common.

Most Horde players played UD Rogue, UD Mage and UD Warlock. Warriors were tanks only, DPS warriors were almost unheard of and mocked constantly.

Most common class/race was UD Rogue. UD Rogues were PvP gods prior to Roguecraft nerf and therefore the most numerous class both prior and after the nerf.

Gnomes were FAR, FAR, FAR less common than today. Most allies were Humans, Dwarves and Night Elves.

Never seen mage boosting in vanilla and i played alot
Bots and gold sellers was there but now the mage boosters just sell all their gold for real money. Blizzard dont care about the game only the money

Maintenance was during peak hours.

Either Sunday or Wednesday ( don’t remember when or how they changed it )

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