Mak'gora Duel


Saurfang challenging Sylvanas Windrunner gave me goosebumps!!

What if Blizzard introduced a new feature for World PvP in Shadowlands that allows players to Duel Mak’gora??

Feature of Mak’gora duel would include:

  • Fight to the death, and
  • Dampening

What are you thoughts about this???

What if Saurfang used spell reflect?
NO! Wow is/was and never be balanced around 1vs1.
The only close time when Wow duels were “balanced” was in MoP, but because class ideology was that if all classes are Overpowered then no class is underpowered and everything is OK.

I totally agree with you and it will never be balanced around 1v1 due to class design.

But if that’s the case, then why do we have the normal functionality of a Duel which has been there since Vanilla WoW? Yet many people till to this day are out there duelling one another outside of Stormwind/Orgrimmar!!

I am NOT saying make this a competitive category for PVP.

What I am saying is maybe introduce Mak’gora Duel for World PVP; a fun exercise that yields no rewards just like the existing duel that we have.

Dueling helps to learn how to fight vs other classes and specs.
Warrior vs frost mage in tbc is an Example of what i say, no matter the play you do as a warrior you will still be screwed because mage cuts your mobility to minimum.

There is a Goldshire tavern on ally side. They do a lot of Mak’gora there, a lot of.

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