Making a ticket is akin to leaving Amazon prime. They dont want you making them so they make it difficult to do so

They do everything in their power to send you in circles and offer options that have nothing to do with what your problem is. They dont want tickets and this is obvious.

Misdirectrions, loops, pages that have nothing to do with your problem. It is a nightmare and all you do is go in circles. Suits them if you give up. I am not giving up. I earned my rep so stop messing with it.

I swear there is a guy in blizzard who messes with the data bases and alters variables on my toons.

A grand total of 250 rep for completing the whole ardenweald campiagn including side quests?

Doess rep get reset when you decide to skip to zereth?

This cant be right. 250 rep in ardenweald? That is all. I seem to recall owning way more than that and even wowhead mentions that there are 8 quests that reward 800. And this does not count all the other possibles as well.

All SL rep are stuck in neutral. All

I did all of the quests in every SL zone. Even optional ones. Loremaster of SL

Court of Harvesters NEUTRAL 2375 rep
The Ascended NEUTRAL 1050 rep
The Enlightned Neutral 2960 rep ( i got more here for doing less than 20 quests)
The Undying Army ZERO REPā€¦NONEā€¦after doing the whole zone. Zero rep
The Wild Hunt Neutral 250 rep

There is something drastically wrong. My reps have been messed with for weeks now and this is not the first time i have noticed that there are differences in reps from login to login.

EU client in the EU yet their system directs you to a US support site

Which is the US site. Then you are presented with the ā€¦you need a level 10 character to post. Click on change character at the bottom also gives you no options.

IT is just one circle after another. Round and round.


That link should be removed. You report bugs ingame in EU - can give you directions if you canā€™t find it. As for tickets, when you click on support, thereā€™s a small link top right that says ā€˜contact supportā€™. I guess they want you to read the appropriate articles first but sometimes there are things that arenā€™t covered. I would suggest and ask for someone to look into your character. Describe the problem briefly.


Puny posted a link in another unrelated thread that i copied.

Which i have now bookmarked as it is impossible to find.

Ticket has now be filed. Cant wait to hear the results.

Of course, when people open tickets over the dumbest stuff instead of just try to check wowhead/ask on the forums/in chat. They want you to feel like you exhausted all other options before opening a ticket because thatā€™s how it should be.

Asking anything about the game in chat has been (pretty much) a waste of keystrokes for the last TEN YEARSā€¦ at least.

No it is because they laid off EVERY GM in Europe.
And made GMs have to deal with every Blizzard game there is.

WoWhead is NOT blizzard if blizzard wants you to use a third party for information something is wrong and blizzard should pay wowhead at that point.

The only times i have made tickets i have had so big of a problem that literally only a GM would even be able to help and to make a ticket ingame that is looked at by a human is INSANELY hard to do.
You used to be able to easily do it not that long ago.

its all about dollars made by blizzard less staff means dollars saved for kotics bonuses simple fact of life america
runs on dollars they can squeeze from the punters

Iā€™m not defending Blizzard but not all of EU closed they relocated to the UK and they do have the Irish office still as far as Iā€™m aware. They have ofc downsized considerably and it is noticeable. You can see the forums get so little moderation time compared to the past. Theyā€™ve made various things automated services to cut down on how many staff they need. Tickets donā€™t get any personal interaction anymore, you mostly receive a reply. Although the turnaround time for most is just a couple of days the days of getting same day responses are gone.

As far as Iā€™m aware tickets are dealt with in one big pool now and not covered by regions. I personally have no issue with wowhead being referenced, it is a huge database that covers most things, many people donā€™t actually try to solve the issues they are having. I personally try to google first and then if itā€™s something I need GM intervention for I will ticket.

GMs canā€™t do half as much as they used to when I started playing. It can be frustrating and nothing is more frustrating than your ticket not being read correctly and receiving some auto answer that isnā€™t applicable.

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