I’m using BattlegroundEnemies and struggling with this. I solved it with some buggering about in the past but haven’t played for a long time until recently and I’ve forgotten what I did before, plus not sure that will even still work now anyway. I bascially just want to be able to see if my team has Arcane Intellect buff for each player in team. In the past I think maybe I disabled friendly frames in the addon so was just using the Blizzard ones, but I can’t see how to disable now, so not sure if it’s possible anymore, as I do still want to have the enemy frames visible in the addon.
Furthermore, last bg I was in I couldn’t even see the Blizzard ones: it just had 1 and 2 where I would normally unhide them and clicking on those numbers didn’t seem to do anything, so wondering how to unhide them if that happens again.