Malding in Stormwind

I’m not talking about people, I’m talking about principles.

Principles no one lives by :slight_smile:

May as well call them non existent principles by this point.

Principles only not so nice people with what seems to be a lot of hate towards roleplayers don’t live by.

Hahahahahah nice one, you are either naive and oblivious or trolling.

You chose.

And you wonder why others throw trash at you. Talking about being naive. :grimacing:


Honey I don’t have to go deep to find where you are exposing yourself even.

Zero effort actually.

“I only broke the rules and been showing my lack of respect to others for “just” an arbitrary amount of time”

Sounds familar?
Oh and weren’t you just a minute ago preaching about principles?

Most people actually don’t hate roleplayers, but roleplayers use this so that they can add weight onto what they say. If anyone is doing the hate, it’s mostly roleplayers :slight_smile:

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Just stop interacting. You will get nothing resembling good faith from them. Entering the thread with a “lol have you guys still been discussing this constantly, oh my days why the essays losers, just let it go” vibe, and yet you’ll notice they take the time to respond to pretty much every single post irrespective of whether people are acknowledging them or not.


Casual reminder that their kind of posting attitude was nothing compared to what they did on their mage before, including the stuff I mentioned and claiming that all rpers were “low digit iq”.

Along with some very specific and direct personal harassment of various forms on both posers too. It’s not worth responding to them at all, but all worth to let people know that it’s a geniuenly unpleasant individual who just as I said, has in the past openly stated that they get a kick of making people upset or angry and encouraged others to do the same.

I direct you again to your forum friend, who has shown sheer malice towards nearly every single poster on the forums on atleast two seperate characters.

Nice try but

Taking things out of context is not very nice.

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Well thanks for letting me know clearly you’re another person to put on the ignore and remember to disregard completly, as initially expected. Bye!

You don’t need to announce here that you’re putting me on ignore. Do it silently.

Oh my days! An argument involving semantics! Steel yourselves people, this is becoming extremely highbrow! We’ve never seen such an excellent play before! :slight_smile:



I got this charity for animals and then someone says to me I should do a charity for children but I don’t want to do a charity for children I am doing this charity for animals and then they say well children need charities and I say well why don’t you do the work needed to get what you want and they say the charity thing is my problem so it is also my duty to stop worrying about the animals and focus on the needs of the children.



Thing about this gnome is he does not even put people on ignore.
If he was doing that he would not be replying to everything “ignored” people write :slight_smile:

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I can smell the ashes of this thread.

How many posts were deleted this time around?