Male Draenei character model thread

Since the introduction of new character models in WOD, I think that the overall feel of the male draenei character model has been lost to some degree. Here are a few features I think should be adjusted in order to make them look closer to their artwork and their original character model:

  1. Face- the current character models suffer from a few issues:
  • small nose-lips gap - the lips should be placed closer to the mandible
  • duck lips
  • noses are too big compared to the original models, completely disproportionate
  • small non pronounced chin
  • the overall facial expression is more angry than their original noble atmosphere.

Body: shoulders are too broad and at a right angle to the neck.

It has been 10 years since the last character model update. I hope blizz will consider to refine the male draenei model soon.

What would you like to see improved in the male draenei model?


Several things:

  • The arms need a rework, they look weird and don’t even have elbows:
  • The tail is a problem because it often “breaks” transmogs. More skin tones and some kind of “tail armor/jewelry” that can match the color of most armors would help with this.
  • More boots need to cover the hooves entirely.
  • “Skinny draenei” could look pretty nice, or even creepy (in a good way):
  • Both Draenei/Lightbound Dranei should share the same haircut choices.

I so agree with this, especially with the faces. I was so disappointed when they did the remake. Even after all this time, I have trouble accepting the new Draenei male faces. All their faces have a look of anger or disgust on them. With duck lips, or a perpetual “pursed” lip. I wish they would just use the Burning Crusade model, I liked those a lot. Maybe just do a slight touch up, but not change the looks.
I feel the same with Blood Elves, especially the males. With the lips and overall looks. They were pretty much ruined, to me. I think those had some kind of update at some point, some of the models are a little better now. Also adding a real beard to Blood Elf helped. Still not as good as the original model though.
Some of the remade races are good, I do like the Forsaken males. The Forsaken females also have a bit of a duck lip problem, and a weird smile/smirk that doesn’t suit them.

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I would absolutely be a fan of a slimmer male Draenei! The inverted triangle model we currently have just looks worryingly top-heavy, and shoulder transmogs often look ridiculous.

One of the reasons the female Draenei model works so well is because of how well the transmogs apply (and of course the fact the lithe model doesn’t look like it’s going to fall over).

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A lot of races suffered from the model update. Some barely change anything between the different faces and it’s a damn shame they havent corrected any of it even though “we” made lots of threads and complaints about it since.

Slimmer Draenei would also be a really nice addition. Right now they’re just walking triangles really. Way too bulky.

I think a lot more people would play the less popular races if the models looked better.

Agree. draenei was always my favorite race . Its a shame blizz has settled for their character model quality, especially considering their talented art department. I hope they will adress the character model issues sooner than later,hopefully in the next expansion. How hard can it be to reduce their nose size for example, completely disproportionate.

Yeah male dreanei have too much mass at the top. The arms are just same thickness from shoulders to the palm, basically wrists and elbows are not there.

This though I feel like its too skinny it doesn’t really fit, too extreme. The krokul model(from Legion), with more healthier definition would work in terms of skinnier option.

As a somewhat “big nose” in real life, I can see how some people may see it as not appealing.

Oh, I agree on that so much.

They always look like someone ate their lunch without asking.

Personally I think ALL races should have body reworks like the Dracthyr have. Give each race 4 body type options, 2 buff (male/female), 2 lean/slim (male/female). And alongside that, give players the option to change if their character has a bust or not.

Give us diverse options. Like Baldur’s Gate 3 does. Sure, a lot of work. But only that way you (Blizzard) can deal with the “diversity issue”.