Male dwarf, kul tiran, draenei shaman?

Which is the rarest combo you see out these 3? I’ll represent the underplayed race :sweat_smile:


Male Draenei perhaps…

I see a lot of Dwarf Shamans and people rolling Kul’Tiran cause they’re pretty new :smiley:

Get that Male Draenei shaman created lol!

I would go Kul Tiran anyway. We’re awesome! :smile:

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I vote kul tiran as the other 2 races just suck

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Male Draenei.

But, i’d roll Kul’tiran. They are cool. They are the alliance’s Taurens.
Drak iron dwarves and wildhammer ones are pretty fun as well though.

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I vote Dranei, they are awesome.

Kul Tiran! They’re big, burly and cuddly


Dark Irons, they look half-elemental.
Or Wildhammerlooking Dwarves, they’re iconic.

Running around in game, see plenty kul tirans and dwarfs. Hardly any draenei males of any class tbf though.

I’ll go roll that draenei.

I think dark iron dwarves look particularly good as an elemental shaman. The fire theme goes nicely with it.

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