Malefic Rapture

Okay. Just throwing an idea out there…I know MP receives a lot of hate or love with a lot people asking for it to be removed.

So, how about MP is changed to work like how Mages living bomb does (I know, I know, they messed up a bit, but seems to be working okay now). Bring back Malefic Grasp as I know people loved that ability.

And I will always keep suggesting this, but make Nightfall procs enable Drain Soul to be channelled whilst moving and that would feel nice to be.

Anyway, just an idea to discuss because like it or not MP is here to stay. Doesn’t mean it can’t be changed. Living Bomb was changed from a button press to a proc.

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I have said it before and I will say it again, affliction’s dots should straight up hurt more than me pressing Malefic bc I put up the dots. my dots atm tickle and I wish Hellcaller (my favorite out of the two) are played more. wither is a good step in the right direction. but yeah.


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