Mana change - PvP Prot pala useless

Doesn’t matter how you play Prot in PvP, as point deffer, FC, offhealer. BGs or Arena, you gonna run oom after using 10 WoGs during a single battle.

Is this a joke or what? Who TF accepted this change?
Did they want to fix Prot in myth+, having no consideration about the consequences outside that format? This is quite the worst change I’ve seen on Prot Palas in the 15 years I’ve been playing this game.


Good. Don’t play tank specs in PvP.
The impact in PvE is worse tho . At least the proc and Bastion should make it not cost mana either, that I cannot argue with.
Blizz’ main goal was to reduce the impact of off spec healing, of which prot had plenty and as usual we’re stuck between “awful” and “whatever”.

This is a spec like every other in this MMORPG. If I want to play a protective paladin in PvP, I do that. You don’t tell me what to play or not.

If you agree on the message of the post, why being a d1ck and write bullsh1t like that?


Tank specs in PvP, especially in this game are either A) borderline worse than the random npcs hanging around on bgs b) unkillable annoyances, despite the nerfs. Which one is worse I’ll leave it to you.
Play what you want in PvP, what do I care, LOL…
But you are correct, I should have said “Tank specs should not be allowed in PvP (or should be heavily nerfed further)”.

you dont get groups as prot/ret in m+. this is garbage specs nobody need

Why shouldnt they be allowed? E.g. prot pala and ret pala feel almost the same. Why is ret allowed and prot not according to your invaluable opinion?

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I agree that in the current meta Tanks can be poison to the pvp environment but thats not always been the case, they’d just have to change how tanks fundamentally work in pvp for it to work. I hope they’ll get it right one day cause I did use to enjoy prot paladin pvp before all the word of glory shenanigans became a thing.

As for the mana change itself I don’t think it’ll go live like this. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be ringing alarm bells because better safe then sorry but to have a scenario where a tank can go oom after one or two pulls in a dungeon to the point where they have to interupt the run to drink their mana levels back up is so antithetical to how the game is designed that it just makes no sense for it to go live like this.

I havn’t tested it but I imagine that if you can go oom in a couple of dungeon pulls some raid bosses you will simply not be able to keep up with.

It is live

When was that and what exactly did you enjoy in which environment (arena? small bg? epic bg?)

Becoming a supporter (blessings, area control, heal allies) became the niche of prot palas at some point (If I remember around Legion/BFA), and it was fun IMHO, especially in BGs, because we sucked as flag carrier (CC immunity on pony was nerfed faster than you could look, but Guardian had a legendary with 30 sec CC immunity for 2 years…) and solo point defender (we just had bubble as nice toolkit here).

I remember playing Arena and being around 2400 as prot, legit: this was not fair, sometimes I would heal more than heal palas at that rating, that is stupid and I understand that we should not have that kind of thing in arena. Our healing has been nerfed multiple times though, and IMHO it was weak enough during Dragonflight, to not compete with real healers (especially important for Arena, as I said) but still fulfil our off-healing role in BGs.

Currently, we even have talents around healing others with WoG, THAT is our thing. And now we became literally worthless, getting oom in PvP zergs after 30 seconds (we have “free” WoG casts, that still need mana. It just makes us oom faster)

So, we have 2 options:

A. Revert/adapt that mana-change, so that prots can have their niche as off-healer back. They could get “oom”, but surely not within 30 seconds of zerg. And I am super-sure this can be adapted for PvP-only if needed (I can’t speak for PvE folks, but those guys also hate this mana change apparently).

B. Improve our other talents and survivability, so that we can compete with other Tank speccs in PvP (and hell, even compete with healers nowadays, which are more tankier than us for some reason…). That way prots are no off-healers anymore, but they can fulfil the role of a “Tank” (flag carry, point deffer) for real.

Again: This is about making prot palas “ok-ish” in BGs, where tanks surely should have a spot to play, I understand and agree that Tanks should not be viable in Arena.

Personally, I really like the offhealer/supporter role of Prot Pala. The new dragon specc shows that there can be a supporter-specc, we prots HAD that!

It is live already, and any PvP Prot I know has benched their character or switched to Ret. We are literally worthless right now.


Absolutelly agree. I really don’t get what Blizz is doing with tanks in pvp rn. They keep them playable in pvp but just don’t have them in mind when it comes to balancing and developement.
Prot pally has seen horrible nerfs since the start of DF. At first it was avenger shield with the holy power generation being removed, then WoG healing nerfed multiple times. Shield of the righteous does basically no damage and Blizz increased even more the damage we take in pvp. Our “tankiness” comes from, most of the times, useless Guardian of the forgotten queen which gets stopped or insta killed in big team fights. Now this last update has made the only heal we have almost useless.
All the healers and the other plate dps specs are more tanky than us, just look at a fury warrior, lol.
I understand some people hate tanks in pvp, but honestly, I pay the same subscription as everyone, and what I ask for is a balanced spec to play so that I can have fun.


BG’s mostly, never enjoyed prot pala in Arena
There were different era’s, wrath, MOP and WOD. I remember when AS still used to silence all targets hit even in BG’s without having to talent into a useable ability that adds the effect. Which in hindsight is very goofy, but it was also really fun at the time

My favourite prot paladin was the one that could clear snares and slow others in their consecration, had a knockback on a low cooldown relatively high duration horse that wasn’t as problematic as it is now, wasn’t as much of a glass statue and while having some self healing still needed a healer in order to survive continued high pressure


Pvp was never and still isnt the main thing in wow. First we got pve and then pvp. And when it comes to pvp ALL specca should be welcome. But balance this will always be a problem but not impossible.

Look at MOBA’s, plenty of “tanks” there and it works!


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