Map does not show people in correct locations

Ever since the last update, the location of party members on the world map is displayed incorrectly. It shows people halfway around the world.

Anyone else having this issue?

They broke the map server. Not working for everyone, also not working in era or classic fresh, not only sod.

Yeah I can confirm! From a week all the party’s member are showed on the middle of the seas !!! so annoying :triumph:

I thought all my guildie were out at sea and tried to swim out to them… my embarrassment when I found out it was a bug and they were all in duskwoods

Hahah I can imagine :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Same goes for retail as well, not only classic
If u are not in the same zone, the map shows u somewhere in exodar

Have they even acknowledged this bug?
It’s been two weeks of this now.