Market Dominance

Please tune this down to 25 market control wins.

10 might be too easy but anybody can see how 100 wins is beyond stupid, especially with the bases being notoriously buggy on this map for not giving credit AND mercenary mode being bugged for this achievement too.

Just for context, I should have 18 wins with market control yet I have 10, because of credit bugs alone. I missed another 3 because of pointscore/tick bugs losing us the entire BG. You extrapolate that and youd need around 210 actual wins…

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Just let it be, u get it in time.

Some of us already got 100 wins, so we do not appreciate farming another 100. On top of that, Market Dominance is also bugged as hell and doesn’t give credit properly : )

I guess they can fix the bug, but no need to nerf the achiv.

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