I was really looking forward to play MM hunter in 8.1, but even with the changes that came with 8.1, I still think its not as good as SV, or even BM.
I played MM hunter a lot, casually, a little bit of ranked and skirmish arenas, a little bit of rated BGs, but mostly casual BGs.
I also did some research, but there are almost no MM hunters in arena ladders. They are mostly survival, rarely BM.
After a while, even though it does fine in battlegrounds, there is a reason I think it isnt played competitively. Its because we are a ranged spec that relies or big casts and doesnt have a stun. How are the other casters doing on that subject?
We can easily be put out of line of sight, we rely too much on others to immobilize/stun the targets for us to be able to deal damage, especially in arenas. But this also goes for places like WSG or AB, where you are trying to kill the enemy flagger or the people defending him, or someone running inside the lumber mill or stables, stuff like that. The point is it isnt always an open field with no objects to go out of line of sight.
The stun in the other specs also work as additional interrupt that lasts however long the stun lasts. We can use bursting shot for interrupt but 1ms later the player can just cast again, plus we have to get close to use it, which MM hunters wouldnt want much.
When I specced to SV I saw that it was much more comfortable, because they had master’s call, roar of sacrifice, and intimidation. All 3 make the life much easier.
When I’m attacking a healer as SV, I have an interrupt(muzzle) and a stun. PLUS, the healers usually try to move and create space, which makes it harder to cast for them. When I’m attacking a healer from afar as MM hunter, I got interrupt(counter shot) and thats it. PLUS, he can just move a little to get out of my line of sight. Making me use much more time to follow him, or change targets.
There also is binding shot as talent, but survival hunters can also take it, so is isnt really a plus when comparing MM to SV. MM hunters can also take scatter shot as a pvp talent, but its just a disorrient and breaks on damage. Mostly used to land our traps or gain time on 1v1 situations. Also its range is shorter(half range of other abilities).
A stun would be much appreciated, to even the odds.
My suggestion would be to add a ranged stun which is learnt at a level when SV/BM hunters learn intimidation. If not, then add a pvp talent so we’ll have to give up something to get that stun. If not, remove born to be wild from our lvl 75 talents and replace it with a ranged stun, we’ll have to give up posthase or binding shot for it.
It could be something like:
Impetious Shot
1.5 seconds cast time — 1 minute CD
Fires an impetious shot at the target, stunning for 5 seconds.
Thanks for reading this long post.