Marley ninja from Northern Sydicate guild Horde side

Guild:Northern Sydicate


He just ninja ubrs last boss drops then exit. Make sure you ignored him.
+If u are ninja, Northern Sydicate is a place where you can feel as warm as your home. You always got second chance. Check last link.


My opinion is everyone deserves a second chance except ‘‘N I N J A S’’

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Hate ninjalooters!

You deserve to be ninja-looted Doublefusion :wink: . Remember this : Usurpers of Dark Rune ? / meanless at this point - #4 by Eldrai-ysondre

Eldrai. Your last reply at that topic is deleted by forum admins. Reason is ‘’
to insult other people heavily’’ this is same guilty as ninja for me . T O X I C I T Y
Edit: It is not useful or relevant to the current topic. Its a spam soon u will get another warning(i hope) . Sorry :wink:

Nice pointing this topic out.
Karma… :smiley:

This guys on another level lol

Karma Karma :smiley: