Marriage in WoW

They leave a mark… although… they are handy when attached to a headboard or a bedpost.

What? What!?

Oh yeah like you people have never chained a corpse to the bed.

Flightpaths Back. Aaaand I’m back. What did I miss while I was levelling up my Alts?

Chained a corpse to the bed? Am I in Trisfall Glades?

I think there should be perks when you get married in game.
For example male characters would have their gold reduced daily by a small percentage, you get a debuff on accuracy and your “wife” gets a rage buff when you interact with other female characters while the female would be able to get a buff for a special discount on cosmetics if spend half of “husbands” gold on purchases.
Seems about right to me

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I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only want to play a little
You can’t keep me waiting
It’s already too late
For you to try and run away

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

We cant spit :face_in_clouds:

Oooooo a fox!!! mmm a new coat!!

Lemme get my handcuffs and chainsaw.

Panda fur!


Oh no…
But look on the bright side.

We CAN ignore you.

Look, if you want to get married, all you need to do is ask. If they say yes then you can pretend to be married somewhere in the game :joy:

By the power vested in me by the State of Azeroth I now pronounce you… lawfully wedded tauren and goblin.

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Oh hey! You’re still here. Been eating gnomes still?

Oh yes!! I like to refer to them as Pot Noodles, small, easily cooked and in a handle little plastic container so I don’t have to dirty a plate.

Not sure why they have to have tofu though, that could be just gnome toenail clippings.

Hey i need that!!!.. Well I can spare some just be gental xD and keep the wax to yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

I did ask once but…sniff… I must have cast ring of pease on them as they ran away xD

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Like +50% damage and healing?
Stuff like that? :smirk:

I have a business to run!!! Gimme that fur!!!

#Soulburgers #100%genuinemeat #Dontask

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Hmmm I get the feeling you was a Maelstrom in another life… Just dont take me to the All Foods Factory…

Now that is proper use of ones abilities and able think out of the box I like it :joy:


Me thinking about a new pandaren bu… Soulburger…

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I see what your doing and I can see them wings behind you… Now what the hell are you trying to do with the whip…Oh god noooooooo

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eeeeeeek Ok at this point am kinda dammed might as well go down screaming, hey at least I can still rock out to sabbath :smiley:

Hmmm reroll panda frost dk.

Ok am gonna go out on a limb and gess your scottish add that to the red hair and all am gonna say at this point is requiescat in pace

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Watched a couple of guildies get married back in the day, whole guild travelled to an altar and witnessed them be married, all giving them gifts. Possibly one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in game but each to their own.


Its probably something that happens more often in rp server but I guess could happen on other server too. I dont see it as needed for part of the game other than if some people wish to roleplay of getting married and then it likely happens in rp realm. Dont specifically need add such feature in the game Imo.

I imagine you have some exp in pvp that you knew the use of rop for stop people getting away, or I guess it could also be useful for escaping mobs in m+ or something. Anyways, happy to see people think use for their abilities and use them :slight_smile: