Marriage in WoW

Let characters get married. When you do group/raid/world contents with your in-game wife-husband, you get certain buffs, drop chance, couples special emotes, 1 or 2 couple special skills, couple special toys, pets, xmogs(half heart on wife, other half on husband etc), and game doesnt let 1 person summoning, but it may allow couples summon eachother solo.

We have NPCs like Alleria Windrunner&Turalyon, Malfurion&Tyrande, like you let them be, let players be aswell Bliz lol


go outside omg.


This isn’t Ragnarok Online/FFXIV…


What would be next? Affairs? Thruples?

I’m more likely to get divorced over WoW than married in WoW.


We have couple examples among NPCs, but not Thruples lol

This is a thing in ESO and grants XP bonus for both characters. (granted, XP is part of the end game there but still)

See guys, because why not?

If I can get a platonic version too, sure.


I prefer to not defecate where I feed.
My marriage is in rl and my wife doesn’t play.
I’m ok not doing this :grimacing:


If I marry you and divorce you, do I get half your gold too?


Cmon maybe they would allow marriage PlayerXNPC marriages too, wouldn’t you want Sylvanas as your waifu? :sparkles:

What happens when your in game husband/wife stops playing? Do you divorce?

What if they take a break? Are you then at a disadvantage until they come back?
What is the purpose if I can just divorce and re-marry all the time?

Details later on uhh :joy:

you get half my bug snacks, take it or leave it.

If two of you agree on getting divorced, then it has no penalty, if one side stops playing and leaving no choice for the other but get divorced, then penalty goes to that left one(game detects how long someone is away already), if they take a break, you are allowed to cheat on them with no penalty bcos they left you behind

With player housing also incoming, I’d say they get half of your home instance :rofl:

If the game checks how long they have been away to determine if they stopped, then your logic is flawed.

I can cheat on someone if they take a break and then I can divorce them after a while, when the game decides its long enough?
And if the bonus and tmog etc. are for couples, what good will cheating do me?
So now, I can just claim someone “took a break” and cheat on them penalty free… So again… what is the reason if we can just cheat continuously? xD

Just sounds like a lot of brain gymnastics for something they already have in game… Isn’t there a ring that buff players wearing the same ring or something?

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this made me gigle hahahaha


I m a high Priest and also a lawyer for your divorce

This is my card

I suggest you to do prenup for your wedding

in case of divorce 50% of your gold will be taken

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Aww hell naw if I get divorced I lose one of my weapons :sweat_smile:

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