Saw a video of two Russian young men… Probably late teens or early twenties, they weren’t gay, but they did a social experiment where they walked through the streets of a Russian city, I think it was Moscow, while holding hands.
They didn’t get very far before being threatened with violence.
That’s for Blizz to figure out. I am pretty sure they didn’t take Mislav out of The Witcher 3 in Russia. Or in Poland, where they still beat gay people. There’s plenty of liniency with these rules. Remember - Russia gave us TATU. Sure, they weren’t actual lesbians, but as far as their performance was concerned, they were very lesbian. I think this “fear” that it might get banned is a cover, an excuse.
I dont know what to say. I am completely disgusted. SJW agenda came into fantasy world where you go if you want to escape reality.
and this is just beginning. WOWs fate will follow The last of us 2 agenda. Matter of time.
whoever idea was this bs to implement into fantasy game. burn in hell you heretic.
I agree that the representation is often focused on their sexuality…
Ones sexuality is a part of you, but only a part…
So I agree with what you’re saying that they shouldn’t be “token characters”.
If they are a cool character who just happens to be gay, then it’s good.
If they are a character that is gay and nothing else, it’s not good.
Lesbians seem to be more accepted than gays, I think it’s down to the ‘straight male fantasy’ of 2 women together, or the idea they can ‘turn’ them straight with the power of the D
I, uh. I never thought that the topic would blow up THIS much.
All I wanted to say was how neat it is that LGBT get even more represented. In the end, we’re all people with different point of views, beliefs, tastes and if we play Team Blue, Red or even both.
That’s the literary tradition of these things; the idea of poor women being corrupted and misguided, beautiful and so, so wrong in need of saving. It’s pretty sexist, but so’s the core of a lot of this bigotry.
Your fear should motivate you to push to change your country, mate. You should feel safe, because it is illegal for Blizzard to take actions they know will shrink their market. They need to tell that to investors before doing it. If Blizzard decides to get WoW banned in China or in Russia, then their stock holders can sue Blizz, for maybe deliberately lowering the company’s stock value.
ye … more political agenda coming soon … RainbowLands not shadowlands
real world is full of this stupidness but putting it into game is even more stupid
Unfortunately this happens in too many places across the world. Several countries will even name and shame those they think are gay in newspapers so that they’re jailed or even harmed/killed.
More often then not the places with these attitudes have preconceived ideas about gay people that don’t even have a basis in reality.
I really hate when people use this sort of rhetoric to discuss gay people (even if they have no problem with gays like you said), this is an incredibly simplistic look at gay people using stereotypes to back it up. Everyone (gay, straight or otherwise) will have things that attract them in the group where their attraction lies, it could be anything from looks to personality or even a combination of different things.
That gay man you depicted is attracted to feminine men, there are also many gay men who aren’t attracted to feminine men.
The woman you depicted simply has masculine personality traits, there are many feminine women who are attracted to women also.
I know you mean well, but your examples are terrible and do nothing but show gay people as singular types of people when they are as broad in their range of personality traits as straight people are.