Mass Botting

I was just leveling in Redridge on a new character and I have come across a mass of botting druids all standing there casting starfire while other druids run around in catform looting the corpses, they all seem to be characters from the Azhara Realm but have phased into the Argent dawn servers, This needs investigating and all these bots need banning, I will also make reports ingame.


I also saw them.

All from Azshara, all level 69, all farming the orcs in the south-east part of the zone. It’s crazy how they can get away with this.

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They don’t get away with it. They get banned and just make new accounts again with chargebacks/ stolen information. it’s impossible for Blizzard to keep them away 100% of the time.


“they don’t get away with it”

proceeds to describe how they get away with it

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Ignoring the fact that they get banned? and it’s impossible. Getting away with it would mean they don’t get banned, they do.

Do you think someone who is released from prison got away with it once their sentence is done? What do you want Blizzard to do wave a magic wand to stop people making new accounts?


i want them to be found and […]

do you understand

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They are farming pretty much everywhere. Seen them in SL revendreth, in DF zones too also even in current zones.

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Hey there,

This is a topic that comes up every once in a while and if you haven’t already I’d recommend checking out our post on the subject here:

As always, the best thing you can do to help in this ongoing battle is to make use of the in-game reporting system:

Thanks for your vigilance!