Mass farm spot always there, Waking Shore cave

Does anyone know reliable details beyond the observable?
There is a cave in Waking Shores, close to the landing point, with earth elementals in it, and every time I went there, there were druids and paladins in char creation default gear farming them with an extremely fast respawn rate.

It is hard to tell whether they are botting or just mass-farming manually, but their movement patterns (like on a chain) look quite automated.
I usually see chars from Kazzak realm there.

What are they farming that could make enough gold to make it worth it?
Here is the loot table of the mobs:

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Well, eternal earth ofcourse and yes they are bots its not the only spot


So the same cringy approach as always. Damn easy to detect, but Blizzard claims they are gathering intel on them. But what could they do with that anyway? It’s not a crime, just a ToS violation.
If instead they immediately put a stop to obvious botting, then it would never be lucrative.
The claim that they then would adapt quicker and become more advanced is silly because devs use the AI means at their disposal anyway. But it is a sad picture if Activision Blizzard has less budget and expertise for countermeasures than the botters for bot maintenance.

This is the reason why the price of rousing/awakened earth plumeted to virtually nothing. Same is happening with the Air variant.

I report them because ruins the quests as you struggle doing them because they tag all the mobs.

Gold farmers love it, but ruins the markets and player experience, but blizzard clearly don’t care otherwise they would of altered the spawns or drop rates.

Blizzard really don’t help themselves, never have.


Can be very annoying cant it? Its not a problem if they kill all the earth elementals coz you can just get the fire ones outside instead but it is a problem if they keep killing the quest boss, that probably counts as griefing.

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I kinda bother less and less with everything in this expansion. I feel the same issues remain.

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To be fair yesterday I was there with my lvl 64 Paladin and they did not interfere with my objectives at all. None of the adds turned grey for me so I was able to kill the mobs and move on.

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