Mass report abuse

Hi I did an epic bg and after disagreeing on tactics a Russian player said to report me. Im now worried the fellow Russians will report as they might agree (he wanted to defend base all game and win on kills).

Is there any recourse against him trying to abuse the mass report system like this? What is the likelihood of my being banned. I have a 16 year old account and have 1 mis infraction where i got a 1 week silence after queing solo shuffle drunk.

Don’t sweat too much about it if it happens it’s going to happen. Prepare some screenshots and logs if you have them and be readily prepared to file an appeal. Blizzard will get to it in 1-3 days, but we already have a thread where someone was able to appeal their perma ban in one day. If you’re innocent, Blizzard will undo it.

“If” you do get an infraction appeal it with the information given here (you did nothing wrong and it was mass report spam)

Even if their response time is longer than the punishment. They will likely give a template “go away” response. Ask for it to be escalated or to be looked at properly.

Pretty sure they are auto-punishing based on algo’s that will definitely take into account quantity of reports so its possible to game the system. It’s unfortunate but cost cutting has hurt service and automated processes can be fooled.

Now prepare for the tin foil hatters to come in with “this is why I never even say hi in chat cos I’m scared I’ll get banned”.

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Here’s some popcorn. I still don’t get it. I play a smart talking gnome in game. People hate gnomes. Not once have I had a warning. Saying Hi doesn’t get you banned.

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Blizzard’s report system relies on people not reporting people who don’t violate the policies.

In the other thread I linked to a GM basically explaining how the report system works, but in short, your account might be auto-restricted, until a GM has a chance to review the report(s), they’ll then either ban you, remove the flag, or any number of other actions.

If you are banned unfairly, and you genuinely did nothing, and sure are that there’s no historic skeletons a look into your account will dig up, then appeal and it may get over turned.

No-one here can help you, good luck!

Edit: here’s the link

The likely reality however is that nothing will happen, otherwise half the player base would of been banned by now for leaving keys, tagging rares, or any other reason you can think of for a person to threaten to report you.

Disciaimer: This is my opinion, I don’t work for Blizzard and never have, and I don’t pretend to have any knowledge of Blizzard’s internal systems, if you are worried about anything in game, customer support is your place to go.

what about these streamers like guzu, asmongold, staysafe, what told the viewrs to mass report them for saying “i love world of warcraft” and got instantly in under 25 seconds banned/muted?

These rando “streamers” were indeed squelched which may occur if a very high amount of reports come in. Their social functions are basically turned off until further review. Think like if you report goldseller spam, and they get muted. Same treatment.

On a further review their accounts were suspended for abuse of the report function and wasting GM time (Asking others to falsely report them for nothing e.g. farming video clicks).

Yeah it has been 1 day so far and no ban of message from gm.

0 because its fully automated system .

dont use in game chats its not workt risking.

gl explaining to bots/AI in appeal that it was fake mass report

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Yh they just added turn off chat option in interface so im gna use tht all pvp apart frm 2v2 and 3v3 now.

So im not banned a day later now tht probs means im fine and the automated system wont ban me?

thing is, streamers can make a ban appeal, and these gm´s will instantly take a look over, while “normal” people have to open multiple tickets, and it takes so long, until u reach finally a gm, your ban/mute suspensions is already over “in most cases”

i have to be fair here, i only made German tickets, which have an average wait time about 4-12 days when it comes to ban appeal

international tickets might be faster

yeah exactly this is the experience what i had, it took me 5 tickets to get finally a real human, while everything else was a ai response, where they didn’t even look over my case

I really wouldn’t worry about it, it sounds like they were just mad at you for whatever reason and thought it’d be fun to threaten you.

If anything, I’d of reported them.

Just enjoy the game :slight_smile:

We don’t talk about them on the forums :joy: some people even call it a conspiracy.

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don’t worry they’ll be on the battleground soon

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