Massive Ragnaros lag?

Hi all,

I have seen a lot of reports of huge lag from Argent Dawn, but not sure if some people from Ragnaros are also affected?

We are two friends here who since the 11.0.5 patch have massive lags on Ragnaros, but mainly on things such as picking up herbs/loot/mails.

Combat seems to be mostly unaffected, although in big cities I often see other players just teleporting around. Did not have particular issues in a BG or something like Chromie Codex, but outdoor activities are really horrible.

Ping looks perfectly fine for both of us. We are located in Sweden.

EDIT: I forgot to add that it is also very random. Sometimes there are no issues, but all of sudden there is a delay of 1-2 seconds. This morning my profession knowledge points appeared as negative because the delay to attribute them was huge…

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I’m having the same issue. Now it’s 2.5k. Can’t play today again.

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