Master Channeler rune should apply to health funnel too (possible solution to bugged pet health upon respawn)

So title says it. Master Channeler rune should apply to health funnel too, make it work while moving just like drain life, maybe even encrease its healing. Warlock pet healing right now is awfull and you have to do it every single time you respawn in BG because pets respawn with fixed HP (which is 3K for Felguard and even less for the others while his max health is 8K for me ATM), same applies to ressing pet in dungeon / raid with low health. Also it could help with the lack of PVP damage reduction.

Alternatively the devs could fix the health on respawn bug and lack of pvp flag for pets but SOD runs on same client as other version of classic including ones with arena where this “feature” that absolutely feels like a private server bug was intentionally applied.


I’d like it on mana drain over health funnel! But a fix to our pets would be great

Frankly some, any change to drain mana for that matter would be nice because as of right now it is useless. Maybe make it work with master channeler too but give it 5-10 sec duration with 15 sec CD for balance reason (vipersting is super OP if hunter has enough gray matter to use it, but lets pretend there is balance in SOD PVP). Maybe make it scale with SP as well, I think it uses only base drain mana value at the moment regardless of gear.

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we need dmg reduction to pets! for pve and especialy for pvp.
Health funnel idea is awesome but it needs like 200% buff on healing or smth.
Also does the pvp dmg reduction include pets too? cause they get smacked so fast its crazy. Especialy if ur pet dies then u summon another midfight with Fel domination only to get killed again 1 second later cause a ret pressed divine storm or a warrior pressed whirlwind.
its insane!


that or giving our pet the passive health regen from our fel armor (200hp/s)

They should get the PVP damage reduction, but they dont because it was coded by small indie company.

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