Master of Minions and total amount of pets (unique)

So how many of you got that 1000 unique pet achievement and how many pets do you have in total? I am currently (on my main Bullburzt) at 1033 unique pets. (They are all level 25 and rare too)

I have 1025 unique, 1004 of them are at max level. Not all are rare, around 880 of them i think. I was working towards farming stones to make them all rare but i’ve put it off for now.

With duplicates i have 1387 all in all.

Prior to the BFA prepatch i bought about 600 Ultimate Battle-Training Stone and about 400 Marked Flawless Battle-Stone so i am set for at least another expansion.

Also, how do you get the last pets you are missing, do you buy them (the ones you can buy) or do you play enough so you get them yourself?

1096 unique pets. 4 greens. 11 more to level to get all maxed out.

Whatever way.

1050-something pets, all Blue and maxed, all with breeds I chose, except a couple (Spineshell P/P eludes me). I can’t remember the last pet I actually wanted; they’re just numbers now.

Mostly I get them myself, but I have no shame about buying Island drop pets, for example - that was just a cheap and manipulative way to add value to Islands.

I don’t keep track any more, but when I was spending gold on pets, I made it a point of honour to buy them with gold I made on pets. That satisfied my sense of balance.

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Yeah, I have a friend who goes “OMFG IT’S SO CUTE” with pretty much every pet but for me it is just numbers at the end of the day I.E how much gold i need to buy new pets. Buying pets is one of the only things i buy on the AH. Getting new pets is my greatest motivation for earning gold in this game.

1036 pets and counting. Not all blue or maxed but a lot fun collecting them.

1067 pets here, all blue, 995 at level 25 :smiley:

Off-topic: looking for a good soul in Alliance side to trade Trecker ( for the Horde counterpart

Have a nice day!

edit: my main is Tito - Stormscale

1070 of 1131 collected, all rare and max level.

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