After reading hero talents released so far I feel something druidic is missing so here is what I would do IF I had the power. Numbers are obviously placeholders and we have no idea what (if ever) are they ging to do with left side of our default talent tree. English is not my primary language. What are your thoughts?
Master Shapeshifter – your mastery of shapeshifting allows you to use some abilities and effects from all forms in any forms, sometimes combine them into unique powerful effects. ALL Druid specs.
Keystone – Fur of all shapes
• You can use some benefits of all forms in any form. Armor increased by 10%, stamina by 3%, movement speed by 10%, swimming speed by 100%, can breathe under water and have reduced damage from falling.
Row 1
Hybrid Moonfire: Direct damage of Moonfire applies Sunfire and Rake on primary target and Moonfire´s damage over time effect applies regrowth´s healing over time on nearby ally once per 15 seconds.
Master Clearcaster:
- Balance: Moonfire´s damage over time has a chance to make your next Starsurge free and send your feral spirit to leap behind and Rip primary target for 20 seconds OR guardian spirit to charge and Mangle primary target for 20 seconds, increasing damage over time effects (20 seconds internal CD)
- Guardian: Consuming tooth and claw sends your feral spirit to leap behind and Rip primary target for 20 seconds OR moonkin spirit to apply Stellar Flare on primary target for 20 seconds (20 seconds internal CD)
- Feral: Consuming clearcasting sends your guardian spirit to charge and Mangle primary target for 20 seconds, increasing damage over time effects OR moonkin spirit to apply Stellar Flare on primary target for 20 seconds (20 seconds internal CD)
- Restoration: Consuming clearcasting also applies Rejuvenation. (20 seconds internal CD)
Choice node: Nine Lives and Flexible Barkskin
- Nine Lives: Once per 6 minutes you can survive a killing blow but you shift into cat form in prowl. For next 1 second you survive at 1 HP and channel several healing spells (swiftmend, lifebloom, rejuvenation, regrowth, wild growth, cenarion ward and efflorescence), cannot cast any other spells or abilities or be affected by any other spells or abilities. When this effect ends, you shift into bear form. If this effect happens 9 times in a row, next killing blow will kill you until you are resurrected and this cycle refreshes.
- Flexible Barkskin:
Balance, Feral, and Restoration: Using Barkskin also shifts you into flexible bear form that allows you to use all spells and abilities for 6 seconds. When this effect ends, you shift into previously used form.
Guardian: Using Barkskin shifts you into flexible cat form that allows you to use all spells and abilities for 6 seconds, preserves all benefits of bear form and grants you 25% reduced AoE damage and 10% increased movement speed. When this effect ends, you shift into previously used form.
Row 2
Shifting Rejuvenation: Performing actions or shapeshifting in combat has a chance (once per 20 seconds) to cast Rejuvenation on nearby ally and Hybrid Moonfire on nearby enemy.
Damaging and Healing Roots
Damaging Roots (Guardian, Feral, and Balance): Entangling Roots change into Damaging Roots that are instant cast, no longer root the target in place but instead sprout from the ground every 3 seconds, briefly squeeze afflicted target for minor damage. If the target dies Damaging roots travel underground until they find another suitable target until combat ends. When this effect is dispelled or removed the target is rooted in place for 30 seconds and damage caused may cancel the effect. Only one effect can be active at a time.
Healing Roots (Restoration): Entangling Roots change into Healing Roots that are instant cast, no longer root the target and sprout from the ground every 3 seconds, briefly squeeze afflicted target for minor healing. If the target dies or heals to full health the Healing Roots travel underground until they find another suitable ally, prioritizing injured, until combat ends. When this effect is dispelled or removed the dispeller is rooted in place for 30 seconds and damage caused may cancel the effect. Only one effect can be active at a time.
Choice node: Sprouting Roots and Splitting Roots
- Sprouting Roots: Damaging or Healing Roots spread to nearby allies or enemies when they sprout from the ground at reduced effect.
- Splitting Roots: Damaging or Healing Roots create additional weaker root but this second application does not apply root effect after it is dispelled or removed.
Row 3
Choice node: Tranquil Roar and Defensive Roar
- Tranquil Roar: Stampeding Roar now also casts Tranquility on affected targets at reduced effect.
- Defensive Roar: Stampeding Roar now also casts Ironbark on affected targets at reduced effect.
Hybrid Frenzy:
Restoration: When you or nearby ally take damage your Healing Roots have a chance to sprout from the ground and heal them.
Feral/Balance/Guardian: When you or nearby ally take damage your Damaging Roots have a chance to sprout from the ground and damage nearby enemy.
Choice node: Animal Teachings and Healing Teachings
• Animal Teachings: Skull Bash is usable in any form. (60 sec CD, 15 sec if talented)
• Healing Teachings: Rejuvenation and Swiftmend are usable in any form.
Capstone - Borrowed Incarnation
Feral: Incarnation has two charges but the duration reduced to 20 seconds. Every second charge you shift into Moonkin form, bounce backwards as Chosen of Elune while smashing your target with Orbital Strike and Full Moon. During this time, you can use iconic Moonkin spells, generate and spend astral power. When this effect ends, you blast your target with Orbital Strike and Full Moon one last time, shift into Cat form and leap behind your target.
Balance: Incarnation has two charges but the duration reduced to 20 seconds. Every second charge you shift into Cat form, leap behind your target as Avatar of Ashamane while smashing your target with Feral Frenzy and Brutal Slashes. During this time, you can use iconic Feral spells, generate and spend energy. When this effect ends, you smash your target with Feral Frenzy and Brutal Slashes one last time, shift into Moonkin form and bounce backwards.
Guardian: Incarnation has two charges but the duration reduced to 20 seconds. Every second charge you shift into Moonkin form while you preserve benefits of both Bear and Moonkin forms, bounce backwards as Chosen of Elune while smashing your target with Orbital Strike and Full Moon. During this time, you can use iconic Moonkin spells, generate and spend astral power and Starsurge applies Ironfur. When this effect ends, you blast your target with Orbital Strike and Full Moon one last time, shift into Bear form and charge your target.
Restoration: Incarnation has two charges but the duration reduced to 20 seconds. Every second charge you shift into Bear form, charge your target as Guardian of Ursoc while smashing your target with Pulverize, Raze and Lunar Beam, and you can use iconic Guardian spells, generate and spend rage. During this time, your damage heals nearby allies, buffs them with Earthwarden and does not generate threat. When this effect ends, you blast your target with Pulverize, Raze and Lunar Beam one last time, shift out of Bear form and fly to furthest ally.