Mastery Snapshotting

So if you play specs such as Demo or Balance, you are forced every phase to get 2 whole different sets and swap the gear every single pull you do? That sounds painful… getting pre bis mastery is one thing, but 2 bis sets every phase seems kinda unrealistic.

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Yes, this definitely must be changed. Not only it hard/expensive (in comparison with other classes) to make 2 sets, but it is also extremely clunky to play like this. Especially in the case of demo, beacuase early pull can completely break your rotation. It may be even worse than bearweaving, which was fixed, so there is basically no reason not to change it.

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This was also a thing for some specs in previous Classic expansions, for what it’s worth, enhance shamans know all about fire ele snapshotting especially. Blizzard fixed this in the last patch of MOP along with changing proc mechanics on trinkets, largely due to Warlocks.

Bearweaving was fixed by buffing/nerfing/buffing the spec, and took a few tries before they got it right. This is a much bigger change because it’s core to Cataclysm mechanics, not a class tuning issue.

Minmaxers here, ignore them.

They can make it impossible to swap items in metamorphosis, for example.

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