The difference is the rating deviation and the ever-expanding matchmaking parameters. It’s not like people are spending 1h+ waiting for a queue pop in 2s which you just so happen to queue into, do they?
So the screw up something with matchmaking in SoloQ ?
Pls enlighten my i am curios, at last as Healer i get instant invites i could wait a view min more for a fair MMR pool
No, the matchmaking is doing what it’s supposed to be doing. The rating system itself is what needs some improvements.
(I know it sounds crazy to claim that the matchmaking system isn’t the “broken” part, but without it doing what it’s doing then queue times would probably be even worse. What needs to change is the way the rating system award rating gains & losses in shuffles, because it’s not a good match design-wise for the shuffle game mode the way it works now.)
I get it
My easy solution for SoloQ is too give Healer almost free raiting like only lose a bit raiting for going 1/5, always gain raiting for playing 3/3
Then Dps player would be like, wow this healer guys get free raiting wtf i should level my healer and Q up
you dont seem to get it, 3-3 in 3v3 where you get to choose your teams and partners ofcourse be same rating at the end, but this is winning 3 games out of 6 with fully random players doing un natural comps and those being shuffled around for 6 games, to win 3/6 is actually good going
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