Matchmaking Point System... FIX!

Dear Blizzard,

Please stop wasting our time with your broken solo arena shuffle matchmaking point system!

Three times in a row I have joined a lobby where the “average matchmaking value” was lower than my point value!!! How is that possible???

I won 4 out of 6 games and had the highest DPS.
Guess what was my reward?! Spoiler … BIG FAT 0

Not only have I wasted more than 2h waiting to join, but I made 0 progress.



It’s because 2400 DH is equal to 1800 other classes, so they match you like that.


As DH nothing special :sweat_smile:

But yeah, If U win a Minimum of 4 Games, it should be rewarded…

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This made my day

Impossible to gain Raiting in SoloQ
6 wins +20
Winning only two -47
Great systhem back too 2s i gues

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oh u actually managed to gain points for ur wins

i went 4 ques row doing my best resulting in someone to leave and i gained nothing for my hour or two :+1:

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well… stop winning only 2?
If you always win 3/4/5/6, you WILL gain MMR and Rating. It’s mathematically impossible to never win rating, there are 4000 people with over 2100 rating already on the ladder.
Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s same as any other bracket, and it’s not as “Inflated” as some here might make you belive.

I also did really bad in some games, it’s never a shame, sometimes you get mega bad matchups, a few days ago I won 1/6 and 0/6 in a ROW. Lost a BUNCH of rating. Just queued again. Started building MMR again. Won +20 points for winning 5/6. Then +40 points for winning 4/6. And so on. In 3 hours I ended up with 100 more rating then I was before I lost the first games.
If you start winning again, the gains increase exponentially. Anything you lose, you can recover in 3 good games. Don’t give up.

False on my main i push week one and raiting was deflated and i hit over 2k easy , like realy ez
BLIZZARD tune something with the MMr systhem so high raited player still gat some games ending up too mess something up

Also winning 2 should in a fair systhem end up with not lose raiting, not all lobys are fair, most of the time i end up with 3 or 4 wins sometimes 6 sometimes only 2 so 60%win at the end i should climb until my win raiting goes down bit MMR is F****

3/6 Rating unchanged
3/6 Rating unchanged
2/6 -55 rating
I’m having a BLAST, now if only I could queue into ANOTHER resto druid :slight_smile:


Sounds about right
6/6 +20 WOW

So following your logic Blizzard matches me with players who have a lower "average matchmaking value” only because I play DH… in the process I loose a few hours of my life and am rewarded with 0 progress.

As healer, its literally every game. You have 1.6k rating and you get people with 1.4 and 900. You win 3, you’ll be lucky to get zero points. And those people just stand afk, insta trinket and even BUBBLE the hoj stun that you can dispel, take 100k dps for the entire match and press nothing, making it overall impossible to progress.


2 hours of ppl rangeing from 0-1700 in same lobby

also 4 ques row of someone leaving cos they didnt like i played with intent to climb

so i would need to “trade” 3 wins to enemy heal to prevent them not leave or some random dps who has no clue and getting tilt cos ppl play him

i cant believe the system still dont give winning people points for the match when some left

the game is over when people leave, people who didnt leave win. they deserve points for their performance and time

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well thats grade a bull, there was a streak where i only won 3/6 for about 5 games in a row and gained 0 every game…

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This is exactly what I and many other players from my guild are experiencing! Solo Shuffle is in a very bad place. Playing ranked Solo PVP is unrewarding and very often punishing. They have to change this system…

^ That’s a way to fix it. Not getting rating from 3/6 w/l is probably the most natural outcome of it, since you’ve then won 3 matches and lost 3 matches, but the unnatural outcomes due to those major MMR differences and the effects of streaks and so on can be fixed by changing it as explained in that thread.

But you play DH. If you didn’t 6-0 with having more DPS than all others combined, it can be considered as a bad performance…

you won 3 yes… but how many you lost? also 3. If the MMR was let’s say perfectly matched. 1800 Cr everyone, 1800 MMR everyone. If you beat a guy 3 times and he beats you 3 times, what does it equal? ZERO. This is why arena is a zero sum game for most of the part.
If you gained rating on a 50-50% win loss rate, that would mean everyone gained rating forever. And would end up in inflation.

Only a joke

My 2s expierience is eaven with a 50%win rait you are still climbing, the MMr systhem is fair and so if you win you gain more raiting (16 for exampel) and for a lose you will only hit you with (-7)

In SoloQ holy moly you are 1.5cr and get into it with 0 cr dudes that are sitting on there glad mounts with full pvp gear