Matchmaking Random BGS

Getting stomped with the EXACT SAME Russian premade party in the Random BG queue is beyond frustrating! Is that really RANDOM BG then?! I guess it is time for a break in pvp, it is not fun anymore. Fix your game.


Random bg= Random map, not random team. You can enter “Specific BG” or “Random BG”, and the game alway let you make 5 man premade.

Russian BG player pool looks very small now. I’ve got the same 3-5 people three times in a row. And then we made a premade. Crushed some randoms, get crushed by a French premade. Thats the way you play this game.
But I’m strongly convinced that there was a party on your side as well. Probably several parties. They were just bad.

Ru Premades!

But to be honest I hate premades as Alliance player. Hope Blizzard will start to ban all premades!

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How do you know? Also, it’s a bit unclear anyway, it doesn’t specify that anywhere.

Wouldn’t it be fun, though, if BG teams were REALLY random? Like, completely random? No premades, and sometimes ally would get more healers than horde! That’d be really something…

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Because random BG was implemented in WOTLK. Before that, we only had “Specific BGs”.

Specific bgs had random teams too but with the posiblity of playing in premade, that means “Random BG” = Random map.

So you’re using history as your argument? That’s not solid proof, that’s more like circumstancial evidence at best. The end result is, we can’t really truly know. They might as well have implemented the whole BG scheme differently at that point, where it indeed -does- mean something else than just the map.

Besides, the maps aren’t random anyway, they push certain maps more than others, and we often get trash BGs multiple times in a row (seething shore, silvershard, gilneas, to name a few).

It’s a nice theory, though.

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this is why so many players ask for a soloqueue option. Matching those braindead premades against PUGs is just stupid


The solid proof is we can make premades for both: specific and ramdom bgs, and this wont change…

Heh, i remember a wsg in tbc back there…
I get in with a rl friend…by chance…
We were against a premade…
The bg was wsg 38(example)…game starts…we had some rl friends waiting in the queue for that specific bg. Since the enemy had a premade ,people start leaving…after some minutes we were full premade vs full premade…
We were playing like 2 hours on the same bg.

Edit: in tbc you could still queue many bgs…so queue could pop up while you were playing…so you could actually leave a bg without deserter…

Edit2 : You can still queue specific bg map, just not specific bg (lobby) …however you miss the rewards … If you don’t care for the rewards for any reason…and you don’t like some maps …just queue what you like.

Got attacked by mmy own guards in Covenant after Battleground!

this is a big issue
and queueing to be grouped with ppl who only fight on roads
if they dont care about win why bother queueing a bg?

You know what’s even worse?All those 40+ k hp russian premades losing vs equally geared randoms.And that’s proven fact.

Only bg’s they can win even as premade is vs 180 ilvl players,and even then they are losing on micro gameplay.I bet they don’t even communicate.They just rush and follow leader.

If you have people with brain on your team,even in poor gear,you can win,because they never defend bases or flags.Example in AB,when they cap,they don’t stick around until base is taken.They just rush to other base.You can ghost it easily,and while they zerg one base,you cap the rest of the map.

Most people don’t try after they get wiped for the first time,but if you stick around,and actually give your best,you will realize all those ‘‘premades’’ are made of horrible at pvp individuals,who got their gear thanks to the boosters.

You can spot it miles away,when someone at 40 + k hp bought his/her gear,and russian premades are actually that.Groups of frustrated and boosted people,who were never able to win vs equally geared people,so they decided to make premade in order to win some games to boost their ego.

If you look at russian rbg’s,most of their teams have 4 boomkins or 4 ret paladins,that setup right there is self explanatory.

So please,when u end up vs geared russian premades,dont take it too seriously,because chance they got boosted is at 99% or they played cheese no skill comps with 4 ret paladins or 4 boomkins,and even then with those cheese setups they are at 50% win lose ratio,with 200 games played.

yep, it is exactly what is happening xD
It is just sad that blizz allows such bs
small indie company I guess

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