Hello! Please read my full post before you reply. My guild requirements are quite specific. Reason being, my husband and I just can’t find the right type of guild.
Firstly, we’re both from the UK and very close to 40. We have kids and would like to dedicate 2 nights a week to raiding. We can do any evenings apart from THURSDAY.
We are both heroic raiders but are more than OK with trying Mythic. We got curve weeks ago. Husband is a Resto Shaman. My main is a Balance Druid, but I would also like the option to heal, but it has been impossible to find a guild that wants one healer, never mind two. I have dabbled with other classes including Mage, Hunter and DH.
We’ve had bad luck with guilds lately…they are either very quiet and our hello’s and questions are ignored by everyone online, or they’re just way to big and we don’t get a chance to raid or do any keys. What we want is a guild that’s not to big, where we can get to know people, raid, and do mythic+ with guildies. We are Horde, but may consider Alliance. Even if your guild is new, we might be interested. We want to be part of a team because we’re fun, reliable people, not just there to be a number.
Sorry if I sound to fussy, just had bad experiences lately and miss the social aspect of the game.
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In addition, somewhere for old people that will accept me for who I am. A grumpy mid-lifer struggling to come to terms with male pattern baldness ^
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Hi there, we are Time and Tide, on alliance on ravencrest, our 8/8HC wednesday + thursday guild might fit you and we can use one healer + one DPS with healing offspec 
We are starting mythic at the moment and we still need people to fill the roster, we are not too big, we have mature people too, and we try to help everyone.
If alliance and ravencrest can suit you, of course.
Bnet Mogiris#2496
Would be great to have a chat, you are younger than some of our raid team 
We’re a 2 day a week guild looking for players to join our team ready for 8.3. We cleared heroic months ago, but have had issues with people playing classic (reliving their youth). The guild itself has been around since before TBC and recently moved to Stormscale.
We have a loyal core of players, who will always make people feel welcome and get them involved in running mythic plus etc as well.
My bag is Stormcaller#2781 or you can message me on discord: Stormcaller#8667
Look forward to hearing from you soon I hope.
Hey there! I run a small Horde guild on Twisting Nether called Dark Puma. We’re a newly formed guild so we don’t have much progress for raids, were getting ready for them though! Our age range seems to be between 20-early 30’s. We’re a friendly social lot some of us are from the UK and round Europe. I hope you at least consider us.
If you are interested then please contact me on my bnet - ackersass#2322
Thank you and good luck with your search!
Hello there, please add me.
Hey there we are a relaxed mature guild mainly from the uk recruiting atm we raid wed/sunday 2030-2300 server time if any good for you.
add dognoah29#2879 for a chat
Home found, thanks for the replies.
Where did you find a home? I’m looking for very similar things to you