Mature player LF guild! :)

Hello there,

28 Years old male is looking for a semi hardcore guild. I had 2.5k RiO on my main last season and 6/10 HC on ATSC (most of m+ and raid was done with pugs lol)

I’m looking for an active guild which is doing M+ and with a Raid calendar. Doesn’t have to be hardcore since I could not attend to everything because of my job (flight attendant) but I will sure as hell join whenever I can :slight_smile:

I was mostly playing Warlock(affliction) past seasons but since Warlock is not considered a class anymore I switched to Blood DK as a main.

Languages I speak: Greek, English, Norwegian.
Realm: Ravencrest, Alliance.
IG name: Starsurger or Dedflix
Discord: jimz0183

Looking forward to hear from you!


Van join us silly men, we like to play fantasy barbie all days long. And hang out outside various ah,s . And look tuff. :+1:
Send whisper to ganon the tauren plx. He takes all of us calls.

Sorry dont flaag. Hope you find something nice tho👌🏻

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