Maw mounts

All in all if you allready can grab all the items you need it’s about 6-8 hours (including a few breaks). Depending on how many people are grinding in the Maw. I got around 40 of the needed items each per hour. And you need 200 of those. Waiting for the boss to spawn took me over an hour also.
But i was doing it as a druid with travelform, stealth, shadowmeld and also engineering. Also not many farmers yet last week.
Also, make sure not to kill to many mobs and elites, it will get harder with more penalties from Eye of the Jailer :slight_smile:

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I want to use my own mounts in the Maw not go farming, until that happens I’m spending as little time as possible in there.
Like getting the 20 souls a week, just stand in 1 spot while soul trap respawns.

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Does anyone know why druid and shaman transformations works in the maw, but Dragonswrath and Vial of the Sands dont? It is strange because its transformations

Is part of a legendary and not a class spell would be nice to use though .

Comes under mounts .



Can shapeshift as far as i know to travel around .

I guess you weren’t playing when you needed to be OG L40 to even USE a Mount; just reminds me of how the game used to be played back then when I go to The Maw.

As for not wanting to spend time in a game that is basically designed to be a time sink… maybe your life priorities dictate that you should play a different game.

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