Hello dear Blizzard!
It is almost 4 months we are playing our “Shadowlands”!
It has very-very beautiful content and clever-made re-rolled abilities of classes we loved in.
But also there are some things, that, i should say, nothing but anger and disappointment not giving personally to me.
One of these - MAW MOUNT.
Let me explain: fastest and 100% way to get “Hound” mount to comfort running through “Maw” - is to complete “crumbling corridors” layer 8 (!!), which you can reach after you`ll become like 200+ iLvL or even higher.
There, you can gather your party of randoms and start doing that 18 lvl boring content layer after layer, praying that your “tank” or “healer” wont disconnecting at lvl 15+ … It really IS pain!
I myself start doing it like 3 times, and after last time, when my tank left at 16 and all our party died at 17, i swore not doing this pissing-me-off content till it`ll be necessary like “story-line quests”
So… crumbling corridors - is not my way. So what IS?
There are only 2 ways left: keep trying get “Hound” from “Maw Boss” once per week or so… or complete quests every day to farm “reputation” to “Exalted” (± 2 months everyday 2-3 quests for 75 rep. each), so i could buy necessary item to start farming other items to craft third “Hound”.
Sincerally, i dont understand WHY you people did this to us. Why should we suffer for literally no reason there?
Farming 18x8 floors, praying for “please-dont-leave”, or farming Boss once a week, praying “please drop”, or just farming reputation for like 2+ months… it is NOT enjoyable content i must say!
So. I`ve got an idea for all of you:
What if you create legal way to travel Maw with your favourite mount, simply equip mount-eqipment-for-maw-travelling ?!
Please! Thousands and thousands of players will say THANK YOU for that!
Because it IS REALLY PAIN to walk through content other running, keeping in mind that you will walk here weeks and weeks more!
Best regards. 
I heard corridors are easily soloable though.
Key word “heard”.
The point is, that the higher you get - the stronger mobs and bosses became.
And last boss at 18 lvl, after you lost all yours “silences” and other stuff - can simply cast something, that will delete you in 2-3 sec after.
Yes, there actually are clases and builds, that can solo 18x8 - tanks… but when you in a tank spec you never played, for ecample, you need to get good iLvL anyway. I`d say even more that your main spec, cus you need DPS, which not every tank have…
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Does anyone know how many hours the new craftable mount will take? I’ve been using stygia for conduits and sockets but since its reset, I can buy the things needed I think and just do it.
I haven’t bothered with TC since I don’t care too much for a mount in the maw, but this seems relatively easy to get and hopefully not too time consuming.
9.0.5 brought us another Maw mount which you can get in about an hour and a half, without doing Twisted Corridors.
It is really nice news indeed! Thank you 
But does this opposite to my proposition?
Would`nt that be nice - to craft special mount eqipment to travel through Maw?
There are really few good eqipment to your mount so far (water walking, … and thats it i guess…).
I just saw the requirements to get this damn mount, NOPE! I am not gonna lose 3000 more stygia to try and navigate and do quests in Perdition Hold EVER again. Once was enough! I can walk just fine thank you!
Ther is MORE!
You cant SEE key item selling for Stygia ( Stygia Dowser )before you are “Ex” reputation! So you need first to get rep (2+ months)… as i was saying be4.
Many were already exalted when this mount was released. So yes if you ignored the Maw you will need to rep farm.

I’m happy to wait until 9.1 and just use Ghost Wolf for now 
First thing first, I like how your character looks.
With that out of the way, like others said you can get a rather quick mount with 9.0.5. For now is that or running TC as blood DK (which it’s a good spec for solo if you get increase dmg powers).
As far as I’m aware of, in 9.1 players will be able to mount with any mount in The Maw.
If you can’t solo TC or are not willing you farm mounts, you should wait until next patch.
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What about ppl who just joined?
Its not about “ignoring”… its about time spending!

Indeed, all mounts are coming, it’s just a matter of waiting a bit longer.
I just did dailies, most days and I got to Exalted with Venari in January
I also couldn’t stand having no mount and I have no benefit of ghostly/stag/worgen forms:-
I think I did most of that over two days. Then I took a long break from Torghast 
Well… you caught me, Puny. I cba to do the Maw because it’s way too boring. These past few weeks I’ve been working on upgrading my uncommon battle pets to rare quality and I just have 16 more pets and my entire collection will be rare.
The Maw is temporary, battle pets are forever.
I honestly don’t blame anyone for not wanting to do it. The fact that you are on foot makes it take so much longer. It’s just a way to make you waste time in there.
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*Laughs in Flying Serpent Kick, Tiger’s Lust, Roll (x2), Soulshape+Flicker"
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Hek i am druid and i still hate Maw with my heart and soul and definately will not do anything more than random occasional stuff there (say souls quest) before i can mount there and that eye is gone. I simply refuse to do extra grinds to mount there because for me it is just another “pathfinder” they have added to game to make it less fun and more time consuming to me. So i skip and wait.
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I will just use my travel form if I ever go there at all. Just seeing how much I had to scroll for that mount made it an instant nope for me 
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Fastest way is to get the Bound Shadehound, which I did in less time that it would have taken me to complete Layer 2 to 8 of TC.