Max ILVL Gear in The War Within

Hello Friends,

does anyone know if we will be able to purchase raid gear again with “bullions” in The War Within? I can´t find anything about that with google.

Thanks in advance for helping!

We have no hard info one way or the other. But I wouldn´t count on boullion being in… As it currently stands on Beta, such a system does not exist.

Boullion is just an iteration on teh DInar system we had in SL “Fated” S4, which was also a “recycled” season created by only 2 or 3 Devs (Scarizard was IIRC leading the charge…) to pass the time until Dragonflight…

Many would like to see Boullion /dinars /Whatever teh next thing is called as a permanent fixture, but so far Blizzard has not communicated any intent of making it into one.

that is sad to hear, was planning on coming back to retail, but without the system you are kinda forced to raid for high end PvE Content like Mythic +, so i will have to stay away again :frowning: - hope they will change it eventually!

While I completely disagree with your assessment that you are “forced” to raid to perform well in M+, especially in light of the beta still being active and us for the most part not having the slightest clue which trinkets are going to be tuned how (and lets be honest, that´s almost always what this discussion revolves around, trinkets and sometimes a legendary weapon, or at least one with a strong catntrip effect), at the end of the day it is your decision to make. :beers:

My best guess would be that the drops will cease but any currency you’ve made during this expansion will be able to be used at the vendors in ValD.

i dont think you ever played high mythic + (not talking bout title range, more like top 10-50 world keys) - you absolutely need bis gear and you are forced to raid


Well, If we use fated as a refernce, which is the cloest thing we have had so far (actually basically identical), the vendors will disappear and all raids will become “non awakened” when TWW launches. :wink:

No I have not, simply because m+ bores the f out of me just like heroics used to. 1/day is 2 too much but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. :beers:

However, that is not really relevant to my statement, or my qualification to make it.

Becaus the fact of the matter is that as it currently stands, Nobody including you or me “knows” where their BiS gear will actually drop next season. With all due respect, and I think I´ve heard the name before so there is a lot of that, You are merely assuming it will be in the raid and preemptively compaining about it. Which is entirely understandable, because it has actually been the case in most seasons so far.

And possibly based on current tuning, I don´t know if you´ve betaed or not. But that can still change a lot in 6 weeks, not to mention the first month of an expansion is generally also a time of at least some re-/fine tuning, especially when things start interacting in unexpected ways. So even if today your BiS would be from the raid, that can still be entirely different by the time TWW actually drops.

That said, how many trinkets every season are BiS for raiding for x classes? Why do so many people never progress beyond 8s? I´m not saying this is necessarily “hard” content, but it´s not a raid, either. You may already see where I´m going with this, but it´s not the real kicker…

Because the most important difference is actually that these trinkets and sometimes weapons like Iridal you CAN´T purchase for Dinar /boullion. You either hard farm them because 522 max is good enough for you, sometimes for days with no success, or you get superlucky in the vault and get myth track, or you can go pound sand and find a different solution.

Now, if that changes, then IMO we have an even playing field for talking about maybe 1-2 dinar being a thing in every season. Esp because raiding is front loaded, the earlier in the season you clear the higher you rank, while in M+ the really big hard push doesn´t usually start until the last 4-6 weeks of the season. So from that perspective, the raider actually “needs” the power much earlier than the Key pusher does.

But doing that is also somewhat counter to the idea of “bad luck protection”. Because luck is never a factor if you know you can just buy it, so you don´t even try to get it normally, and a significant amount of players will do exactly that, for better or worse. It’s why this char and accout have close to zero progress this season outside the ret+evo, I already have all the mogs I want and I can buy all my BiS chase items for boullion just by facerolling a normal or even lfr raid or even just spamming 2s and then blasting all 3 heroics for crests once or twice and then spamming 8s. So why even play now, esp since I´m already hilariously OP for leveling even with S2 or 3 gear?

Don´t get me wrong, I too wish there were a reasonable solution to this “forced crossover”, in both directions. An for all I personally care,we can also go the other route and hard separate everything, raidgear has itemlevel 0 in PvP and m+, and the other 2 analog to that. Because especially when it comes to trinkets, and those are unfortunately what it usially revolves around, none of them are usually outright designed to be anyone´s specific BiS, that just happens as a result of tuning and how things interact and can be unpredictable, which is why in SL a gladi trinket was one of our raid BiS for a while.

I truly mean no disrespect by any of this, you´re far superior to even my main account and part of the 0.001%, and that´s something you can absolutely be proud of.

But on the other hand, I also didn´t get through my RWF phase in TBC by complaining about having to run BGs for a fricking wand or refusing to switch to leatherworking and spending what felt like a million hours leveling it… I got there by doing what had to be done, when it had to be done. Because I wanted to reach the goal I set for myself (at least realm first), and was willing to do what it took to reach it, even if it meant expanding my horizon into parts of the game I do not enjoy. Just because IMO, actually that´s exactly what it SHOULD take to be “The Best” :beers:

PS /non-ocd about typos Edit: Actually, I do have an idea that might work… I´m going to postulate that almost nobody needs 20 sparks for crafting…

So, maybe make it possible to convert 2-3 sparks (so 1 every 4-6 weeks if you ´re not grabbing them from for vault tokens) into a “metaspark”, which can be used as a dinar /boullion at a vendor that offers ALL current trinkets and weapons /offhands (I´d prefer the superrare drops just go away entirely, causes nothing but drama outside of well organized and loyal groups, seen 3 communities dissolve over lootdrama in seasons 1 and 2 (Diurna/eranog rings, sark troll-cape +Echo trinkets). Gives the BLP at a reasonable pace that semi guaranteees you´ll have you BiS trinkets and weapons well before the end of the season , but not to the extent that current boullion does where everone is basically guaranteed BiS after 2 months and then quits, and simultaneously gives people something to use sparks for other than their 2 BiS crafts.

I could still spend my currency with them after it was over.

I really enjoyed the Tbc-Wotlk badge system . The items was a bit lower quality but was a big boost and worth spending time .

Probably 750’ish by the end.

One thing is for sure, if all the raids stay awakened, soloing “first tier” DF content is gonna be out of the question

I wouldnt be to concerned… because if If all the raids stayed awakened, you also wouldn´t bet be able to farm most s1/2/3 mogs, but instead only the one that was selected to be you class set for S4 and offset items, because during awakened all tokens no matter the raid turn into the S4 set. :wink:

Id rather they just turn awakened off once the expansion is done :confused:


I assume they will. There’s no reason not to.
Awakened is part of s4. S4 will be over.

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Don´t worry, they will. There might be a grace period of a week or so for where the vendors are still up for people to trade in their boullion, but awakened as a season and system will go away away the moment TWW launches, just like fated did. And the raids will return to their original tuning values, and more importantly loot tables so that people actually CAN go back and farm their mogs, instead of getting S2 or 3 tokens in Vault, s1 or 3 in Aberrus, or S1or 2 in Amirdrassil (depending on what the specific class set was in s4) :wink:

Just to check I wasn’t going completely mad. The dinar vendors indeed do still exist. So any unspent dinars could still be used after the expansion was over.

I only know because I didn’t spend all of mine at the time and went back after the expansion was over to get something for tmog appearance.

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That is actually surprising that they´re still there… I could swear that when I looked the first week after DF release on my druid they weren´t there… That why he still has a dinar in the bank (can´t put stackables in void storage).

I apparently stand corrected, thanks for taking the time to look … now, where´s that dinar, poppa needs a new staff… :beers:

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You made me question myself though, so I double checked xD

They are next to the great vault.

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It’s because awakened and fated are the same thing. All the fated stuff showed up when awakened started, world quests and vendorsr included.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, really? Seriously? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That´s freaking hilarious, but good to know that if you missed your chance to spend dinars, then you´re now getting a rare second chance :beers:

OOOOHH, waitaminit… has anyone looked in the Shadowlands raids recently? That would be a blast if they´re actually fated, and possibly all fated starting next week… Ultratransmogroflstomping incoming :stuck_out_tongue: