Max Inspiration as Weaponsmith


I am looking for some info on what max Inspirations other people have. There are advertisement on trade with 45% chances on Weapons - which I doubt at this point.

Being maxed out on anything with Inspiration in the talent trees and close to be maxed out on everything weapon related and using 372 prof tools with Inspiration + Inspiration enchant, I am getting 37% (or 39% when using Incense).

My question would be, if it is even possible to get 40%+ on Weapons?
Anyone with experience on this ?


Epic hammer+ r3 inspiration enchant on it + all points that give inspiration + r3 incense gives you 45%.

I have never seen anyone advertise 45% inspiration ever. I have a maxd out my inspiration tree and as many points you can have into shield spec and with rank 3 enchanted hammer + incense i can only get up to 43%.

I doubt that weaponsmiths somehow get more inspiration for their crafts so i think the people claiming to have 45% are just lying.

I’ve seen people advertise 45%… what’s the enchant you mentioned? I’m sat on 43% I believe with max hammer etc

Draconic Inspiration tool enchant.

I got 45% for tools like Skining Knife without incense and with rank 2 enchant and rank 4 apron.

Oh I’ll have to look. I just thought it was a missive you used, whooops!

Edit: I think that takes my insp to 400 ish when making weapons now… dayum. As if I never realised that enchant lol. Literally only missing 2 armour slots and all weaps 25/30 and then master hammer all maxed or whatever the resource and insp % bonus trees are haha

Thanks for the pointers. My weak link was the Epic Hammer. Having crafted it at ilvl 398 with Inspiration and enchant I have a total of 41% (before Incense). I believe this is max for Weapons and Armor.

Profession items can be higher, I am at 44% with the LW Knife now.

I’m at work currently but once I get home later this evening I’ll check what mine is and actually write the boxes etc I’ve got maxed out in the tabs. It’s quite a shame there’s not a proff tab for armour/recipes attached to the armoury!

Edit: I have got it enchanted, totally forgot lol. 43% max on weaps yupyup

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