Max PVP Geared - Still Instant Killed - What am I missing?

There is no added value. You are overanalyzing things. I don’t put much thought into posts on these forums (waste of time). And I generally don’t care how people perceive me. And I won’t stay overly polite in the face of ignorance. It’s up to the individual what insight they take from my posts.

As I said, it has been the opposite for most of WoWs life cycle. And invested players expect it to stay this way. Blizzard has done nothing to make us believe that skirmishes and random BGs are a stepping stone for beginners. Also, an ilvl bracket system is not feasible with current player numbers. Do you seriously want 2h BG queues?

to me this sound like the entitlement you mentioned yourself before
complaining about other people behavior yet stating yourself you don’t care how other perceive ya on your own behavior.
also i find it then hypocritical your saying on 1 hand " I don’t put much thought into posts on these forums (waste of time)" yet on the other hand you do put in the effort to react and reply
if you truly find it a waste of time why react at all instead of just raising your shoulders and move on instead of fuel the problem on a topic that already was done with that you brought back to live ( cause we cannot find the close topic button )

reason you may find im over analyzing/defending is hes a good friend of mine and i know whats going on
other people make just there opinion about the first impression without thinking further of why people would make such a post and of course that is all other people have
i will explain that there is more and certain reactions are unnecessary and that they wont affect yourself doesn’t mean it wont affect others

i dont know if you ever watched Bambi? but there is a pretty nice line in there that go’s like " if you don’t have something nice to say you better don’t say anything at all "

also regarding the 2 hour wait time question : no i wouldn’t mind i can entertain myself fine wile waiting for a match that feel good and knowing that que times will improve as more people will return rather then the current system were less and less people pvp and that is the true reason we getting longer and longer que times

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