Max PVP Geared - Still Instant Killed - What am I missing?

Is there some secret club or some Pay to win feature that I’m missing to actually handle surviving in ‘RANDOM’ battlegrounds?

Seriously. I spent 3 weeks buying honor gear and ranking it to max, but its not enough still. I’m still instantly killed.

I’m a Max PVP geared Fury Warrior, I had Fleshcraft, Ignore pain, yet a Rouge still killed me in 3 hits.

Am I missing something? Is there some strategy or Blizzard employee I have to pay to actually handle it?

I don’t want to do Rated PVP or any shiz like that. I just want to play and enjoy Random Battlegrounds, but it all feels like I’m being put into nothing but Premade groups that have gear higher then is actual possible.

What am I missing?


Well first and foremost biggest issue is that you are a vulpera. Which means by definition your post shouldn’t even be taken seriously in first place.

No you are not. You are 30 itemlevels below what max honor gear would give you. You have 10% versatility when other people have 30%+. Even a healer can blast you away at this point


Well, obviously I shouldn’t take you seriously. Seriously, grow up.

And this isn’t my max geared character. I was working on this character till I just gave up because its pointless. Especially with people like you being the stereotype ‘get gud’ that pollutes the gaming community instead of actually providing advice is a real turn off.
Seriously. Either make yourself useful or go to bed.

Obviously this isn’t the place to look for help, because people want to rub their ego then actually give some helping tips. So sad. I hope hope for the Wow Community. But its just another League of Legends. lol

You can close this post Mod. Obviously I’m looking at the wrong place for help.


Got anything to back it up?
You are acting all offended, like you are some sort of a victim, while making false statements and hiding your “main” that we don’t even know if it even exists.

I would suggest you act nicer if you wish to get help from people on here. You don’t need to agree with them but if you ask for advice be ready to not like what you hear.

Could you provide some scenario for this? Screenshots / damage logs?

Just because you are a fully geared player doesn’t mean you can just ignore people pressing their spellbooks. A ret paladin / ww monk could most likely “oneshot” you if you don’t react to their burst.

My suggestion would be that you look in the kill log what killed you and then look up how to react to it.

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It was a Rogue.

Look, I appreciate the help, but its too late. I’m tired and just feel like giving up. I made my vent and that’s it.
I’m not a fan of the community, with them making statements that if they would say that to a real life person, it would just be flat out racism. Its why I prefer to not show any of my mains with the fear of being targeted and harassed for enjoying myself. (2022, go fig.)

I tried to open up, but all I get is shot down.
I guess there is no room for people who just wants to have fun.
Sorry Lukien, I know you wanted to help and I really appreciate it. (And this is from a Horde Player to an Alliance player.)

Hmm I understand that but I don’t think you should! I can promise you that once you “see things clearer” many things do become easier to deal with! I understand the frustration but believe me, we have all gone through it (I used to be so angry rogues could enter stealth mid combat with vanish).

Umm, sadly the wow community might be a bit toxic at the moment but I still have hope!

I swear, any person harassing you for being low / bad / low exp / whatever is 100% insecure irl and just need to vent their frustration. Don’t mind toxic people - they aren’t worth your time and what they say is meaningless.

And what do we do when we fall down? We stand up!

There should be! “Casuals” is part of making the game fun.

Darn I didn’t realise you were horde :angry: For the alliance! :shield:


And Blizzard should make things more welcoming to those who just want to have fun and not care for glory.

Horde… Alliance… we’ve been down this path again and again. Why must we always fight? We all have those we protect. We have same goals. We all protect Azeroth. If we want to protect her, we should focus on the big threats! … … … Not the Jailer though. I’m sure Horde and Alliance can agree with that.

I wish there were more people like you in Wow.

EDIT: Oh yah. I just remembered. I removed my PvP gear on this character to swapped back to PvE gear.
There’s your answer Blood elf.

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Absolutely! Even if I personally wouldnt play it so much perhaps I do find the casual fun things part of what made wow so great.

We must all stand united against the upcoming threat :wink:

Haha I appreciate the kind words but idk if I am worthy :open_mouth: I just wish people in general would aim for a fun gaming experience! It is a game afterall.

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Exactly~ That is the top 2022 answer right there! Best Answer ever!

Yah. Its not like the Elite PVPers would have to change anything. They still have their ranked modes. Nothing will really change at all. There will just be an extra mode for those who just want to play Battlegrounds with balanced stats for a even match, it would moreso focus on the players skills and knowledge. Heck, it doesn’t even need to give honour or anything, it would just be a fun mode to play.

Berserker buff pick up and those salty potions you buy for marks of honor can make for some silly situations.

This could be part of the issue, honor gear is not maximum pvp gear. Conquest gear is.

While honor gear can feel a lot better once it’s fully upgraded, still a bit squishy. The conquest gear at lowest un-upgraded feels a bit better than max honor gear, and don’t need to do rated to eventually get it.

But getting killed quick sometimes is just part of the game. Win some lose some :slight_smile:


That shouldn’t be part of the game. I mean you need 13000 honor for the 276 gear and additional 85000 to upgrade it to tier 7 and still you get almost oneshot.
This is bad by design, because honor gear (tier 1) should enable you to farm conquest efficiently and you cannot play arena or rbg with 276 ilvl.

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I think the issue is that you’re playing a Warrior. That class is very squishy. I also see that you’re not using the Inpending Victory talent, which is crucial for survival, pair that with the respective conduit and a third wind potion, and you can stay alive longer.

wow pvp is retarded dont worry

Remember when we could craft pvp power gear and not get oneshot in pvp?

I miss that time.

Anyone who disagree will get an orcbonk!


Lmao. You are nowhere near fully geared. You are playing with the bare minimum.

I don’t want to do Rated PVP or any shiz like that. I just want to play and enjoy Random Battlegrounds

That’s not how WoW PvP works. First you ought to get conquest gear through rated arena/RBG. Then you have fun in random battlegrounds.

just curios but do you read your own post back?

i can see you trying to help with how you see people should do pvp (although i disagree with the method) but that is always a appreciated gesture.
but was sucker punching under the belt in the rest of the post really that necessary?

we can all see he is just venting and we are not all always 100% reasonable at those times if we complain about a game we are passionate about and to be honest i personal see no constructive value about adding “Lmao” and such unless you see it differently and then i would really like to hear what that reason would be :slight_smile:


no constructive value about adding “Lmao” and such unless you see it differently and then i would really like to hear what that reason would be

I offered the valuable information that he is nowhere near fully geared. Something that he apparently isn’t aware of. I mixed in some snarkiness, because he has been behaving like an entitled child in most of his posts and I find that behaviour obnoxious.

Also, there isn’t much to disagree with in regards to my take on PvP and gearing. You get some honor gear to do rated. Then you grind rating and conquest for better gear. Then you get to have fun killing noobs in casual PvP content like random BGs. It has been like this for most of WoW’s life cycle.

so because you find some1 acting obnoxious you find it justified to act that same way back? aren’t you then not becoming the same thing that you suppose to hate?
even if you just call it snarkiness what is the added value of adding it other then showing your upset with his behavior ?
but in that case you would be the same as you are both people who are just venting out there frustration
i think if you just gave him the info and left out the snarkieness that would have been fine to :slight_smile: its already toxic enough lets try to help each other more rather then throwing more fuel on the fire

the reason i disagree is it sounded in your first post you have to do rated first before you can do random with fun but im of the opinion the current system of random bg is wrong as for me random battleground should be the stepping stone not the end goal
its like you have to do m+20 before you can do normal looking for dungeon
thats why im for a gear bracket system were you have ilvl ranges just like you have level brackets now and it maby sounds like this wile increase que’s but i think more people will enjoy the battles in random more if they know its more even out and thus more people will play bg again and that in turn would lower the ques
the steamroll battles are only fun for those doing the steamrolling
and bad play is different then 1 hit KO aimed shot