<Maxilum> A Community with variable standards. Best of PvE & PvP

<Maxilum> A Community with variable standards from 1.5k rating up to 2.2k & beyond. Where people are ought to come home after a hard day of work, school etc and so on. We offer a steady and social PvP environment.

Our goal is to find exceptional people with the same mindset as you, doesn’t matter if you are casual, hardcore or in between! Plenty of casual events, and a platform for more experienced players to evolve on!

Ragequitters will unfortunately for them be quit from any further part of the team. Also we expect maturity and respect towards fellow guild members. If you have a disagreement you can take it to me or a leader.

It doesn’t really matter where you from but we expect you to at least have discord to join the more experienced events.

Our Core will be pushing at 20:00 PM daily.

Arena Events will be up weekly for the weekend.

From now and then we will have a Community meeting to see how things are going but also to socialize.

Our leader & captains are :

Gotlooks-TarrenMill, Cokguzel-Twilight’sHammer and Evanescent-ArgentDawn

Our global language is community English but we have people coming from all over the world such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Scandinavia which includes Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, some people from Russia etc and so on.

It would also be very nice to have these addons:

Gladius, sArena, BattlegroundEnemies, GladiatorLosSA2, OmniBar, WeakAuras, Details! and Bigdebuffs.

So do you think you got what it takes to become one of the Maxilum?

Contact me in-game or anyone else from the leaders or moderators.

‘‘We ain’t a bunch of hippies’’

#Alexis21930 on battlenet or discord Alexis2704