Maximum number of tickets - cannot log a support request


I mean seriously?

Your in game support is so bad that it takes days to get a response to tickets, and because I have two in game tickets, I cannot log through account management on the battle net website.

I reiterate that I cannot log a ticket in account management because I have two open in World of Warcraft.

  • What is this arbitrary value?

  • Is it just to keep ticket volumes artificially low inside of World of Warcraft by crippling peoples ability to log tickets?

  • Where did it all go wrong Blizzard?

Doesn’t affect the actual issue (of apparently being a limit of how many tickets you can have open), but it’s worth noting that “in-game” tickets and website tickets are the same thing. If you raise a ticket in-game … it will show on the website, and visa versa.

On another note … I don’t recall ever having more than one ticket open at one time - I can’t imagine the issues you must be facing to want to have THREE open. Perhaps it’s something you can roll into one ticket (essentially the same problem) or can solve away from the ticketing system (because lets face it, it’s going to take ages to get a reply, and then it’s going to be a stock response, and then you’re going to have to go through the whole process again, anyway, so if you can find a solution yourself, that’s your best route).

One is the guild bank issue. Another is a problem where I have had quest progress not actually progress, when it should have.

The third, todays is a request for a refund for a 12 month sub that I bought in good faith, anticipating that TWW would be something I could commit to for a year, however, now I want a refund and to maybe migrate to monthly billing or token use for gametime. I need a ticket to appeal a decision.

Yeah that guild bank issue is a doozy!

The quest thing you might be able to resolve - have you checked wowhead and read through the comments? Is it something you can abandon the bit you’re on and re-do part of?

It is weird then that you’re limited to two … as all those seem like valid reasons to have a ticket open. The only thing I could suggest is, unless you can resolve the quest issue yourself, as lots of people have reported the guild bank thing already … perhaps closing that ticket down (even if temporarily), so you can raise the account ticket - because that sounds more important (as it affects you financially irl).

There were players who kept making tickets, about every topic, even things Blizzard told them they can’t help with or in “panic” created dozens of them of the same subject and then complained it takes very long for Blizzard to react… While they were part of the problem.

So Blizzard limited ticket creations. As Poisonenvy suggested you can drop the guild ticket because that is a known issue and CS doesn’t work on bugs, there is an official statement here about it already. As for the quest, it depends, but they can likely not help. I recommend checking out WoWhead as sometimes there are workarounds in comments there.

For the refund, you can only successfully refund products you’ve not used at all yet, within 14 days of purchase. You can still ask for this though.

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For info, there’s also one here on the Blizzard forums which specifically states tickets aren’t going to be helpful for the guild vault issue:

Wouldn’t it be great if we had combined forums so we didn’t have to keep referring to two sets :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Hatalii,

There should be no reason for you to open two or more tickets at the same time, really.

If you need to open a ticket, please explain the different issues that you’re having in your ticket and a game master should get back to you as soon as possible, to answer your different problems.

That being said, please note that game masters (and Customer support) aren’t developers. They can’t resolve everything, and multiplying tickets about an issue will not speed things up.

That would indeed be great. :pray:


To confirm:

You’re happy for multiple issues in-game to be raised against a single ticket?

That’s what they said.

With respect - I want that confirmation from a Blue.

Yes they said it in the post you quoted. But I want it confirmed.

Please don’t troll me.

With respect it was confirmed by Yryadorna (blue) in their post and quoted by Poison.

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That is not how confirmation works - and I think Poison knows this.

I’m requesting confirmation - i.e. reiterating the same statement from a blue.

OK so a blue poster wrote a post specificially addressed to you, which said verbatim

in this here thread, and you want them to clarify to you again the exact thing they already said? I don’t understand. Could you please tell me what other interpretation of that text you have that would need clarification? I’m genuinely trying to understand.


Apologies … I assumed you were asking for confirmation that others read it the same way you thought you did. There was no intent to troll - purely to help. Feel free to ignore help in future.

You can mention several issues in one ticket if you’re encountering several problems, yes.

That being said, if we’ve already responded to your issues, there is no reason to continue opening a ticket. We are already aware of the guild bank issues, and game masters will not be able to manually restore the items.

Please continue the conversation about this issue in the other thread if needed.

Thank you. :pray:


Thank you Yryadorne.