MDI how can someone be excited about it

Not only is M+ tedious and even worse in terms of meta compared to PVP but then mechanically speaking a lot is going on so you can’t be casual about it and understand whats going on, it doesn’t have the wow effect/factor of mobas or arenas in wow where the casters can go mental about something, it feels like there’s a lack of hype for the casters and is as sleeper as time walking.

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I have exactly the same healing. If there were some random events during dungeon or something then maybe it would be more interesting but it’s completely scripted. Hyping certain pulls feels absolutely forced. Like there is something epic going to happen and they just pull big group behind the pillar or something and aoe it down xD

Playing M+ is no doubt way more fun than watching them.

MDI it’s incredible boring, i turned it on to check how meta changed, but i fell asleep…same setups like 3,4,5,6,… weeks ago…AWC same… same setups, same meta. Blizzard have to do something to more balance game and force competitors for using more classes and specialisations if they want keep audience.

@Someone up
How casters can be excited if nothing can change, competitors analysed dungeons in every way at first cap and nothing to much changing. It’s only about competitors make mistake or not.

It is just as boring to watch as football, handball, basketball, AWC, counterstrike or what have you not.
But some people find it interesting and good for them ill rather play the game then watch it.
The only time I can justify over to myself to watch is when helping to get the game started(like managing scoreboard or running stats or anything else needed so the game can be played)

But I’m guessing this is just a way to go bash on MDI from the OP or him saying arena is better or some dum stuff like that.
But guess what Arena is just as mindbogglingly boring to watch

That’s thanks to “great” rules.

That’s the thing. I never said arena is better in this topic. I said that MDI is boring.

In the current form it has no future. They need to improve it somehow. It’s not even that dungeons are boring but literally there are the same comps and no reason to take other specs. With all this siming there is no room for experimenting. The main problem of PvE is that your performance is too much related to your DPS potential.

Checked in to see what the meta was since I heard it was just the same comp in every dungeon. DH tank, disc, mage, ww and dk. Some thought it was boring and class banning should be a thing so you could get some variety, some muppet decided to defend it. Many strawmans were used.

Tried then watching it but got bored after 2-3 minutes.

Actually spec banning might make it interesting

we probably would see triple fire mage or triple hunter comps, but blizz banned double specs LOL

nice balance

mdi was fun to watch the first 2 runs, after that and following weekends it was really boring

think you failed to get my point.

unless you are going to say that football, handball and basket are going to fail to as they are just as boring but last i checked they have a massive following that loves watching it, it is just that i dont care about it.

so if people find the MDI fun then why change it for them?

we could make a new set with banned classes or what not but that would be a new show compared to the MDI

People are bored because of ‘‘priest,dh,monk’’ meta.

Nothing to be excited about when you know you gonna see 3 same classes in every single game troughout whole MDI

It’s more like Vengence+Disci+Fmage+2slots that are rog/hunter/monk or Dk that are kina always picked baise on dungeon

every one is plaing 1 meta seup for every dungeon, ther was this one tank who was plaing Guardian druid but exept him like all you can see is one meta setup for everyone, ther is no variation no exaitment and most tactic atm are all focus around 1 big Combustion with priest PI, its cool when you see it few times but when everyone is focusion only around it its get kinda borring

If they want to make MDI more exaiting thay shoud make class picking more like in HotS where you can pick 1 spec per mach and oposit team can ban spec for oposite team, Y i know its logisticly nightmare for participants with gear and learing class etc but make turnament exating atlest

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